What's the what

May 22, 2009 22:32

So I've signed up for the Aflac Iron Girl 5k run/walk in August. Not frightened. Easy as pie actually. And totally cool race swag including a stuffed Aflac duck.  I think I'm completely hooked on the Iron Girl brand. Very cool concept. Just want to know more about the organization before I make a final judgment call. But still...very cool swag.

I've also decided to walk in the Avon Walk for the Cure next June (2010). 39.3 miles in 2 days. A marathon the first day and a 1/2 marathon the second day. Can anyone say "you're f**cking nuts, Ms. T?"  Don't bother. I've already said it to myself. But I'ma gonna do it. And it's going to be fabulous! The swag's not as good though lol.

Signed up for Jazzercise last weekend. Shut up. Jazzercise totally rocks. I've been to 2 classes so far and will go again tomorrow morning. I've signed up there with my friend, Leslie Green-Brown, to do their summer challenge. 60 classes in 9 weeks between the 2 of us. The prize for completing the challenge is a hot pink polka dot tote. Cool swag again. Do we detect a theme here?

I hiked Bitterbrush last weekend with PJ. We didn't quite make it to the saddle of the hike. Here's why...
1. I worked out for 2 1/2 hours the day before so my muscles were pretty fatigued.
2. I ate crap the night before due to the GURPS game and my own homemade cookies to tempt me (ah how good refined sugar tastes going down but not so pleasant when it's in)
3. I was dehydrated from said GURPS game and drinking other things that were not water.
4. I took 2 liters of water with me and one sprung a leak at the beginning of the hike. By the time we turned around, I only had about 25% of my water left.
5. In relation to #4, it was really hot out there!
6. I only got about 4 hours' sleep due to the GURPS game.

Sadly, we figured out that we were probably only about 10 minutes from the saddle after we'd turned around and started back down. I will be doing this one again because I will not let it get the best of me. Next time though I will not be cocky and will be better prepared and better rested.

Have set a little challenge for myself in regards to hiking. At the end of the summer, I intend to hike up to Ouzel Lake outside of Estes Park. There is a story there I will tell later. But it's a 10-mile out and back with about a 1000 foot incline.  Not horrible but not easy for me either and a ghost from the past that needs to be laid to rest.

Oh yeah...most of you already know this from FB but I have new hair. Here it is...

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