Okay wow. . .this was so frickin hilarious at the time but now that i think about it now, really weird. My mom just picked me up from band camp today and she told me she didnt feel like cooking tonight, so we stopped at the McDonalds right by my house. Well we were the car behind the car thats at the lil speaker thing that orders (dont know if that makes since or not.) Anyways, we were sitting theres and I had just let my hairdown and was singing to the music waiting for the 'Bama boys ahead of us to finish their order and move up. WELL. . .the passenger dude ( a tall rocker looking dude with THE MOST GORGEOUS hair I have ever seen on a guy, tho he looked like 23 ), well he got out of the car stood there and just looked back at me. Just staring (kinda weird). Then he got in, they pulled up, we orded, and then we pulled up. Well while we were sitting at the window to pay and they were ahead of us (duh) and he opened his door leaned out and was like "hey!" "whats ur name" and then he yelled "Call me" and started yelling out his number along showing me the number on his fingers (I remember it starts 380 lol). I just stared at him and smiled cause i figured i could be polite. But I guess he then realized that I wasnt giving him my name or acknowleding (sp) his number. So they pull up to he window where ya get food and we pulled up. Well as soon as we come to a stop he gets out his car walks up to my window (me with my eyes wide from shock) and stands there smiling asking my name if we can get together and asked for my number and ask if id call him. I was just sitting there smiling and shaking my head. Cause I didnt even roll my window to talk to him ( i feel rude for that ). So he went back and me and my mom start cracking up. But after I "dissed him" (as my mom says) he just layed down and the car and didnt move or seem to talk to his friend (which before i "dissed" him he was head banging and turning around to look at me and talking and whatever). Yeah its one of those had to be there stories. My mom now has said its "Matchmaker McDonalds". Anywho, I wish I was older cause he was one of the hottest things I ever saw. Well yah thats my story. It put me in a better mood than I was lol. BYE :) :) :) :) :) :)