I think my guydar is broken, in the sense that I may have (metaphorically) fucked myself into a corner.
I asked my girlfriend (and not
heimshal) last night for her insight on a situation:
t: speaking of games
t: I'm confused by a guy at work
t: he stops to talk to me like daily
t: friended me on facebook last thursday
t: and left a message today saying I should come back to midnights
t: a part of me thinks he might be interested, but maybe he's just being friendly
h: interested
h: that's my vote
h: luckily guys suck at ever saying it, so you may never know
h: :P
t: lol, based on three lines of text :)
h: <-- very intuitive
h: :D
t: yeah I dunno
t: I kinda get that vibe, but I suck at that stuff you know?
h: yeah I use to
h: better at it now
h: all guys want you
h: the end
If only the world were that simple. For all my (many) proclaimations that I don't want a boyfriend, there's something about this guy that has me curious. I wouldn't say that I'm at the stage where I'm interested yet, but I'm curious, which is saying something these days. But then I have to sit there and wonder if it's a good idea to even entertain this idea, in hindsight with the whole drunken co-worker scenario.
I crave Fig Newtons.
In other news, I still haven't heard back about the job I interviewed for on Thursday. I'm taking this to assume I didn't get it, which is okay by me. Though the job had a few major perks associated with it (dayshift, working independantly, flextime, a fixed endpoint) it also had a few icks associated with it (my old boss, my old boss, ... my old boss). So really I've been at an impasse about the whole thing anyway. On one hand I'd like to have to make the choice between taking it or not, but on the other them choosing for me makes life simpler. I'm afraid his ego will intervene in the fact that I didn't accept the offer for the job under the table (which I still think is shady) and thus he'll not give to me based on that reason alone. His loss, my boss will still appreciate me. I felt bad telling him about it the other day, because he is a great boss truly, no matter what others say about him.
For anyone interested my weekend home to visit my parents was relatively uneventful, and mostly spent in either (a) sleepyland, or (b) (Wo)/(U)nderland. Trying to switch back from a midnight schedule to an afternoon schedule resulted in my passing out shortly after dinner on the couch and sleeping until about 6am daily, putting me on a dayshift schedule. Which I did not like, at all. My free time seemed to be spent watching the Burton Wonderland interpretation, the Disney animated Wonderland interpretation, and the miniseries Wonderland interpretation. In their distinct ways I liked all three.
Oh! While shopping for a skirt for the thing I'm going to this weekend (which was a fail) I ended up falling in love with a dress on a display rack. It was exactly what I had in mind for my friend B's wedding this summer, but only went up to a size 12. For some inexplicable reason I decided to try it on anyway, and tada! It actually fit. A little tight in the bust, but nothing that 4 months of exercise couldn't solve. I think I finally found my motivation to start hitting the gym -- to rock that dress. And with the money I saved because it was such a steal I can absolutely buy new shoes and a purse to go with it.
I also came to realize that I have expensive tastes. Even at discounted prices at Winners I still managed to be attracted to the purses that were over $70 a piece. But the perfect purse! So pink, so leathery, so huge, so perfect! I almost cried as I left the store without its perfection on my arm.
Besides, it would have been perfect for transporting all my video games back and forth to other people's houses.
Anyway, I'm off to the gym. Might as well be productive since I have over 4 hrs before work starts. If I have time I might actually start working on sorting/organizing the living room. Ick!