The 'Arrrrrrgh!' Heard Around the World

Mar 05, 2010 14:16

My family angers me. Greatly.


To the point of RAGE.

So I scheduled last weekend to be 'mom weekend', not making any plans and selecting 'is not going' for all RSVPs to e-invites. My mother goes back and forth about visiting, then at 2pm on Saturday (when she was supposed to arrive on Friday night) decides she is not coming.

I had plans for this weekend, but she feeds me this story about how it'd be the perfect weekend to visit, and my sister and her boyfriend are off so they can visit too. I sigh, and tell her to let me know by Wednesday at the latest whether she is coming or not because I have to cancel things if so.

I had to call her last night (Thursday) to find out that she likely would be coming down. Text my sister and she says they are, and just cancel the plans. I receive an email from my mother this morning saying 'too sick, your brother and I aren't coming. Maybe next weekend if you don't mind cancelling your plans???'.

I fucking snapped man, and it wasn't pretty. I hate how she pulls shit like this, making it seem like my life and my plans are inconsequential to what she wants. Things that interest me and things I want to do are unimportant if they don't mesh with her vision of how things should go. So I told her no, my Saturday is full and I am not cancelling my plans to sit around and wait while she decides that she might come down. She had also suggested the last weekend of this month, so I told her that the weekend of the 27th will work fine. And I'll be on midnights that week so I'm done early on Friday. Works for everyone. But I swear, if she bails again it's not going to be pretty.

Still raging, slightly. Texted my sister to find out if they are still coming at least. I really hope they are because I'm going to be a grouchy person otherwise since I was looking forward to the workshop tomorrow and already cancelled my registration.

random acts of screwing me over, family

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