Dec 11, 2009 00:05
Tonight at work:
C: *flipping through a catalogue* Wow look at all this D&D crap.
S: Dungeons and Dragons is all the rage with the geeks.
C: Ayup *flips page, then looks at me* So, what level are you at?
me: Yeah see, I got two answers to that. One, is you can go fuck yourself *gives him the finger*, and two is that I had to draw the line somewhere and D&D didn't make the cut into my geekery.
C: *laughs* You had to know that was coming
me: Yeah, it's been about two weeks since you called me a nerd. It was overdue.
In other work related news .. I somehow dazed out of a part of a conversation, and when I came back into it I didn't quite understand what people were talking about. In the end I got the impression they were implying this guy likes me. I tried to talk but my mouth just kinda hung there in confusion, so in the end I just walked away.
Socially awkward? Moi? Never.
Later when another supervisor walked in my coworkers decided to tell him that I had a crush on the guy -- my face went so red it didn't return to normal for a good 15 minutes O_o
Ugh. The rumour mill is going to love this one.
Oh, and I noticed for the first time today what very pretty eyes the guy has. I guess it could be worse.
Work is F-U-N.
work amusement,
random acts of self implosion