- My landlady "apparently" (used loosely) found an extra rent cheque written for January (she had called and said I didn't give her one, now apparently I gave two) and decided to cash both July and extra January last week. Thus my account has been in overdraft, and will be until I get paid Friday. The downside: I'm living very modestly off Visa until I get paid. The upside: I won't have to reserve a chunk of my pay for rent at the end of the month(the extra will just be used for August rent), thus I get paid the day I leave and have extra moolah to play with.
- I changed my flight out to Texas for the Friday morning. This way I am going for EIGHT days now, and get to go to Fourth Friday and Sanctuary with some of the Dallas crew. *bounces* Now I just need to figure out an outfit ....
- I am officially on afternoons. I hate it already. It's not an I-hate-it-because-it's-new thing. I hate it. Ironically, a whole bunch of people I occasionally used to talk to on this shift have shown a tremendous amount of excitement about my return. As for my new employees, one is being nice (too nice), the other says nothing. I = perplexed.
- I have finally got my laptop! *squees* For the technologically inclined, I went with a Dell (shush!) Studio 15 with a Core 2 Duo T8100 (2.1 gHz/800mHz/3Mb cache) with 3Gb of RAM, a backwards-compatible N-card, Bluetooth, and a 6-cell battery. It also has a pretty purple color! Yes, that was my girlish moment. I spent more than I planned ($1000), but it exceeds everything I wanted and will last me at least the next 2-3 years. The downside? Vista, ew. I see a partition and XP installation in the near future. The other possible downside? Delivery between the 25th and 28th. I depart the 25th, so I need it by the 24th. :/
- A boy I liked has a girlfriend .... so that solved that problem. But I had a very weird dream last night and he was in it. I normally don't dream, and it was one of those crazy realistic ones. Hrmmm.
- My sister thinks I'm crazy, but loves me anyway.
- My bangs have finally started to grow out to an acceptable length.
- I sleep like craaaaazy. Can't get enough. But also can't fall asleep when I want to either. :/
- I am trying to bake cookies. Keyword: trying. I've never seen a recipe for 6 dozen cookies calling for 1/3 cup of flour. WTF. I have never failed this bad at baking, ever. I blame Martha Stewart.
- I've lost 10 lbs, but haven't hit the gym. Just modified my eating/consumption habits. I'm also starting (barely) to like Perrier water. Barely.
- My herb garden is dying. They are supposed to be low maintenance, like a cactus. Thus proving I am not fit to keep an eye on life.
- Oh, and I had
raymous visit my last weekend for two full days. I missed him! Halifax is too far away. :( But if he moves back out there, I'm going to make it a point to go visit this spring so I miss him less lol.
- I'm likely going to somewhere tropical this December/January/February (not sure which yet). My passport will become my new best friend soon.