101 things to do in 1001 days

Apr 11, 2008 11:17

That's like what, 3 years? Well, almost anyway. I realize I likely won't do everything, but it's nice to have some goals or ambitions to strive for.

Diet and Exercise:
1. Drink 2L of water per day.
2. Eat 3 well-balanced meals, or 5 smaller meals.
3. Exercise at the gym/outside at least 3 times per week.
4. Build up biking endurance to be able to complete 50 kms.
5. Participate in a marathon.
6. Eat fish or tofu (a reliable source of protein) each day.
7. Reduce body size to a toned 14.
8. Walk whenever possible instead of drive.
9. Do yoga/pilates twice per week.
10. Purchase Wii-Fit when released, and play more DDR.
11. Eat out minimally, and when possible order healthy.

Education and Training:
12. Take a work-related course each year.
13. Learn a new language.
14. Relearn HTML and Java programming.
15. Learn to knit.
16. Get recertified as a first aider.
17. Obtain validation training.
18. Obtain another 'exceeds expectations' on performance review and increase salary an additional $5k.
19. Take a pole dancing course.
20. Convince TBM to send me on a business trip.
21. Seriously consider an overseas contract position.

22. Less frivilous purchases, especially with video games/dvds.
23. Pay off VISA and keep balance steadily under $500.
24. Pay off LOC.
25. Contribute a minimum of $100 per month to a savings account (rainy day)
26. Create a US savings account and contribute $25 per month.
27. Start an RRSP and contribute at least $100 per month.
28. Learn to meal plan, and buy groceries every few days instead of too much and wasting.
29. Forcefully implement the shoe rule: to buy a new pair an old pair must go.
30. Budget better for birthdays, holidays, and xmas shopping.
31. Buy more investment pieces vs. disposable items.

Home Improvement:
32. Continue to decorate following my 'theme'.
33. Organize closet (ick!).
34. Buy new living room furniture (couch/tv stand/end table).
35. Obtain taller bookcases for hallway.
36. Create portrait wall.
37. Purchase laptop, hook up desktop to tv, and get rid of desk itself.
38. Use fresh flowers to decorate the kitchen.
39. Weed through book collection.
40. Purchase new bedroom set.
41. Vacuum twice a week and clean weekly.
42. Organize a declutter/sort event quarterly.

Pampering and Personal Care:
43. Keep my haircut maintained and refresh the color every 2 months.
44. Always keep my toenails cute and colorful.
45. Buy more cute/pretty panties to feel more fun and fancy-free.
46. Abuse my benefit program with acupuncture or a massage each month.
47. Buy a laptop.
48. Allow myself the guilty pleasure of one bad movie per month.
49. Develop a good tan and maintain it.
50. Form a wine collection as to readily have one for every occasion.
51. Always keep my cookie jar filled with something homemade.
52. Wear more sandals in the summer.
53. Dress up more often.
54. Allow myself to buy one video game per month, or 3 new movies.
55. Light candles more often.
56. Indulge in a bath whenever possible.
57. Eat as much pecan pie as I like.
58. Get a manicure once a month.

Self Improvement:
59. Complete 'to read' list.
60. Watch each movie on imdb.com's top 250 films list.
61. Continue to make decisions on my own, but focus on making the right ones.
62. Read the newspaper daily.
63. Diversify my palate.
64. Become more outgoing, less shy.
65. Get at least 7 hrs of sleep a night.
66. Create a schedule and stick to it.
67. Take my vitamins daily.
68. Focus on becoming more 'zen' instead of stressing out.
69. Read more books that make me think, rather than make me a zombie.
70. Learn to use chopsticks properly.

Social Activism:
71. Continue to contribute to United Way through paychecks, increasing the amount each year.
72. Donate unneeded clothes and others to charity.
73. Use reusable shopping bags or a backpack to shop.
74. Stand up to bosses at work more often when I don't agree with work practices.
75. Join the Health and Safety team at work.
76. Participate in at least one charitable event per year.
77. Blog about something important to me at least once per month.

Social Life and Fun:
78. Attend two concerts per year.
79. Go out to the movies every two months.
80. Hang out with friends once a month.
81. Organize regular group outings.
82. Attend at least one TNG meeting, and try and make it to a HNIC.
83. Visit the family at least once a month.
84. Talk to my parents once a week.
85. Go out drinking and dancing more often.
86. Have more (safe) sex.
87. Try glow-in-the-dark mini-putt and attend the driving range more often.
88. Have people over after work for waffles.
89. Bake for co-workers more often.
90. Keep in touch better with friends.
91. Have more 'game nights' with people.

92. Visit at least 10 States/Provinces.
93. Visit as many zoos, aquarium, and galleries as possible.
94. Travel anywhere in Europe.
95. Go somewhere hot and/or tropical.
96. See the East Coast (preferably to see Raymous).
97. Go on a wine tour.
98. Travel to Quebec, like Montreal.
99. Indulge in more random getaways.
100. Explore campsites all over Ontario.
101. Visit New York City and buy something (anything) just to say "oh yes, I picked this up in New York ...".

101 in 1001

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