Fall, 2010
Department: Psychology
Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisite: Psy 110
General Education: Scientific Literacy
Learning Outcomes: 2a, 2b - Critical Thinking Ability and 7a, 7c, 7d - Scientific
Instructor: Dr. Larry Godfrey
Office hours: by appointment
Office Phone: 419-575-8068
I. Course Description:
Survey of principles and theories dealing with the dynamics of human personality,
including the following theories: psychoanalytic, social, behavioral, humanistic,
existential, and cognitive, with a critical evaluation of each.
II. Purpose of the Course:
This course explores traditional personality theories, research methods in personality, the
methods of personality assessment, and current views on personality development.
College Learning Outcomes and Objectives:
(2a) Students can write a scholarly documented research paper that synthesizes
their own ideas with ideas and information from other sources.
(2b) Students can demonstrate the ability to reflect on issues and/or theories
(7a) Students can distinguish between qualitative and quantitative
characteristics or natural or behavioral phenomena.
(7c) Students can use theories to explain past observations and to predict
answers to new questions.
(7d) Student can understand the uses of scientific technology and their
Program Learning Outcomes:
Demonstrate knowledge and understanding representing appropriate
breadth and depth in selected content areas of psychology.
Explain major perspectives of psychology (e.g. behavioral, biological,
cognitive, evolutionary, humanistic, psychodynamic, and sociocultural).
Explain different research methods and statistical analyses used by
Design and conduct basic studies to address psychological questions using
appropriate research methods and statistical analyses.
Use critical thinking effectively.
Demonstrate effective writing skills and oral communication skills in
various formats and for various purposes.
Course Objectives:
Students can provide an overview of the various theories of personality
development. (CLO 7c, 2a, 2b; PLO 1.3)
Students can investigate methods of personality assessment. (CLO 7a, 7d;
PLO 1.2)
To understand the various methods of research in the field of personality.
(CLO 2a, 7d; PLO 1.2, 2.1)
To explore the lives of the traditional personality theorists to assess the
affect of their personal life experiences on the development of their theory.
(CLO 2b, 7c; PLO 1.2, 1.3)
To develop a research hypothesis and design a plan for investigation. (LO
7a, 7b, 7c; PLO 2.2, 3.1, 3.2)
V. Policies:
1. Statement on Disabilities
If you have documented a disability with the Director of Academic
please discuss with me
the adaptations or the accommodations you have established with the
Director of Academic Services
emergency medical information, and/or
special arrangements to be implemented if the building must be
Policy on Academic Honesty
Any student who represents the work of another person as his or her own
on any paper or exam will receive zero (0) credit for that assignment. Any
student found cheating on a test will receive a grade of zero (0) for that
Please review this policy in the Student Handbook.
3. Recording Policy
Lourdes College prohibits the use of tape-recorders, video cameras, cell
phones, and all other devices by students to record class lectures or
meetings with the instructor or any staff member unless they have express
written consent of the professor or staff member. Before recording any
lecture, a student who wishes to record a lecture must sign a Lourdes
College Agreement Form and present this to the instructor for written
Students with disabilities who are unable to take or read notes may be able
to record class lectures for their academic study only if approved by the
Office of Accessibility Service
Academic Grievance Policy
Lourdes College has an established procedure for a fair resolution of
students' academic concerns. Following are the steps of the procedure.
Each step should be pursued within a reasonable length of time. An
Academic Grievance Tracking Form should be completed. These forms
are available from your instructor when you begin the grievance
Step 1 The student is to first attempt to resolve the problem directly with
the faculty member involved.
Step 2 If the student is not satisfied with the results of Step 1, the student
is to meet with the faculty member's department chairperson.
Step 3 If the student is not satisfied with the results of Step 2, the student
is to meet with the Dean of Arts and Sciences.
Step 4 If the student is not satisfied with the results of Steps 1,2, and 3,
the student is to make an appointment with the Vice President for
Academic Affairs, whose decision is final.
Attendance Policy
Each student is expected to attend every class. Due to the nature and
subject matter of the course, class discussion, participation, and exercises
will be a large source of the learning process. Points for attendance are
given. See Research Project information below. Arriving late to class and
exams is an attendance issue. Any student arriving more than 15 minutes
late for an exam will not be allowed to take the exam that day. The exam
will be rescheduled and 10% will be deducted from the final score.
Students are responsible for obtaining class notes from another
student when an absence is necessitated.
6. Evaluation Policy
Grades will be based on three examinations (300 points), the paraphrasing
assignment (50 points), the class assignments (50 points), and the research
project (100 points). Letter grades will be based on the percentage of total
possible points you have earned. The conversion system is as follows:
A 94-100% C 73-76%
93% C70-
B+ 87-89% D+ 67-69%
B 83-86% D 63-66%
82% D60-
C+ 77-79% F 59% or lower
Missed Exams:
1. If you miss an exam with an acceptable excuse, you must notify me
PRIOR to the exam.
2. Missed exams must be taken at the WIN Center. Students must call
the WIN Center at 419-824-3748 and schedule a time to take the exam.
3. Ten percent will be deducted from the final score unless the absence is
due to a death in the family or your hospitalization.
4. Any student arriving more than 15 minutes late for an exam will not be
allowed to take the exam that day. The above procedure will be followed
to schedule a time to take the exam at the WIN Center and 10% will be
deducted from the final score.
Late Assignments
All assignments handed in late will lose 5 points per day.
7. Safety Policy
Statement on Emergency Response:
In case of a Tornado, your instructor will direct you to the nearest shelter,
in accordance with Lourdes College’s Policy for Tornado Warnings and
Tornado Warning Procedures.
The nearest shelter for this course is the basement of CAH in an area that
is not exposed to windows
In case of a Fire, your instructor will help direct you to the nearest exit.
Please evacuate in a calm and efficient manner. Do not use the elevator.
Do not block building entrances once you are out.
VI. Course Requirements
Paraphrasing Assignment (50 points)
Each student will be required to complete this assignment. The assignment will be
handed out in class. See the class schedule for the due date.
In Class Participation (50 points)
You will be responsible for participating in class by asking questions, answering
questions, participating in class activities and, in general, being a contributing member of
a learning community. Participation will have a value of about 10% of your grade.
Missing class will count against you with regard to this portion of you grade.
Approximate loss is 1% per class missed.. The best way to prepare is to read the
scheduled material before class and participate in class discussions.
Research Project and Presentation (100 points)
Each student will participate in a group research project. A typed, written report will be
required of each research group in the form of a poster presentation. Class time will be
spent discussing the topic for the project and the development of a research design. Your
group will also be required to hand in a separate copy of all sections of your poster.
Breakdown of Points for this assignment
Paper and Class Poster presentation 50
Attendance 50
Your task will be to study the personality of an individual of your group’s choice. This
person should be a well-known public figure or a fictional character. You must present
your overall investigation strategy to the class for feedback using a power point
presentation (see weekly assignment list for the date). This strategy must include the
research questions you are pursuing and the methods you will use to obtain data about the
individual under investigation.
The following is an outline for the modified poster session. You must use the headings
indicated below in the structure of your report. Poster materials are best set up on a
tri-fold display board. No material can be placed on classroom walls. The poster should
be as self-explanatory as possible. Keep in mind that your text and illustrations will be
viewed from a distance of more than three feet. All lettering should be created with this
in mind.
Figures and tables should be kept as simple as possible, so that the viewer can readily
take away the main message. A brief, large type heading of no more than one or two lines
should be provided above each illustration, with more detailed information added in
smaller type beneath the illustration.
The report should include the following sections:
A title should summarize the main idea of the paper and should be
concise. The title page includes three pieces of information: title, author(s)
and affiliation.
A brief, comprehensive summary of the report (150 words).
Your study should be founded on several research questions. These
questions are stated at the end of this section. This section should start
with a brief introduction to the person you are studying (one paragraph,
with citations) and lead to your research questions.
Describe what method you used to analyze the personality of the
individual you have chosen. In this section be specific enough so that
another individual would be able to replicate your study.
Examples of Previously Used Methods:
Analyzing Salvadore Dali’s paintings using Jung’s dream symbols
Analyzing Courtney Love’s childhood fixations using Freud’s
Psychosexual stages
Analyzing Andy Kaufman’s characters using Jung’s psychological
Analyzing Garfield’s personality using Freud’s personality
structures of Id, Ego, or Superego
Analyzing Hitler’s ego development using Erikson’s first five
psychosocial stages of development
Results/Description of Personality Characteristics
Using the above method, describe and analyze the individual, making sure
you have the appropriate information to answer your research questions.
This section might include charts, tables, graphs, pictures, etc. Keep the
narrative to a minimum and use citations where required.
Summarize your paper in this section, incorporating information about the
answers to your research questions and your methodology.
The reference list can be placed on the back of the poster.
List all sources used in the writing of the paper. All works cited in your
paper should be on this list. Depending how much space you have on your
poster, you can just include this in the copy you hand in.
******This report should follow APA writing and reference style. Refer to the
"Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, Fifth Edition".
Please place a staple or clip in the upper corner of the paper. Do not place the paper
in any kind of binder.
Possible Arrangement of a Poster
A note about using citations.
Using another author's material is common in any research paper. Citations give
authors credit for their information and allow the reader to reference this material if
needed. It is extremely important that, any time you use another author's material or
ideas, this information is cited. Citations are not just quotations, but any reference to
another author's material. Webster's (1959) definition of "plagiarize" is "to steal or
purloin and pass off as one's own the ideas, writings, etc. of another". Plagiarism may
also result from poor technique of the citation process. Although much material on the
internet is public domain, it is still considered the work of others and must be cited.
Lourdes College Research Symposium
Every Spring semester, the college hosts a research symposium of student work. I am
encouraging each group to submit a “Student Proposal” form to offer a poster session of
your research at this symposium. This form can be found at the college website. This is
the kind of experience graduate schools look for as they are making decisions about
admitting students.
Psy 411 Personality Theories And Dynamics
Fall, 2009
Required Text: Schultz, D., & Schultz, S. E. (2008). Theories of Personality, 9th Edition
Recommended Text: Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association,
Fifth Edition
Psychology resources website: Date Topic
8-24 Introduction; Research Project
8-31 The Study of Personality
9-7 Freud
Propose Personality Study (PowerPoint)
9-14 Jung
9-21 Adler
9-28 Exam I
10-5 NO CLASS (College Night)
10-12 Horney, Fromm
Paraphrasing Assignment Due
10-19 Erikson
10-26 Cognitive Theories
(Displaying Results)
11-2 Exam II
11-9 Maslow, Rogers
11-16 Behaviorists
11-23 Social Learning Theory
11-30 Exam III
12-7 Class Poster Session
Research Project Due
Ch. 6
Ch.9; Ch.10