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PM) Dawn: shes always drunk
PM) imnottristan: aw
PM) imnottristan: i
miss direct connect
PM) imnottristan: does
digsby do direct connect
PM) Dawn: let me look
PM) imnottristan: did
I ever invite you to google wave
PM) Dawn: yes
PM) imnottristan: you
know thats why they canceleld hello right
PM) imnottristan: wave
is the replacement
PM) Dawn: i got on it the
other day
PM) Dawn: it was lonley
PM) imnottristan: you
can just drag photos into it
PM) imnottristan: ya
it is , i only know how to use it for IMs
PM) imnottristan: i
guess its used for all kinds of shit but for IMs i like it
PM) imnottristan: drag
and drop
PM) imnottristan: with
not just pictures but anything
PM) Dawn: you should invite
PM) imnottristan: and
you can see eachother typing
PM) Dawn: []
PM) imnottristan: done.
anyone else? they take a few days
PM) imnottristan: i
have 22 invites on my moms acct and another 22 on my dads so i got