(no subject)

Feb 17, 2006 08:24

1. Initials: 
2. Name someone with the same birthday as you: 
umm...jan t school
3. Last thing you ate: 
ice cream
4. For or against same sex marriage:
6. Last person you hugged:
7. Do you believe in God: 
8. How many U.S states have you been to:
close to all of them
9. How many of the U.S states have you lived in: 
10. Ever lived outside of the US: 
yeah i was born in canada
11. Name something you like physically about yourself:
my legs
12. Something non-physical you like about yourself:
umm personaltiy ?
13. What is your dads name:
14. Why are you still up?: .
cause i cant sleep after i get woken up in the morning
15. Who made you angry today: 
no one
16. Favorite type of Food?
italian and indian i liek eithiopiean food
17. Favorite holiday:
christmas it used to be
18. Do you download music:
19. What illegal things have you done:
wow to many to count
20. Where would you want to go on a first date?
anywhere....as long as its fun
21. Would you date the person who posted this before you?
hell yeah lol
22. Has anyone ever sang or played for you personally:
no i dont think so
24. Do you like Bush:
hell no
25. Have you ever bungee jumped:
26. Have you ever white-water rafted:
27. Has anyone ten years older than you ever hit on you?
yeah damn mexicans in there trucks
29. Have you met a real redneck?
lol yeah my moms bf
30. How is the weather right now:
31. What song are you listening to right now:
something on t.v
32. What is your current fav song?:
dont got one
33. What was the last movie you watched:
dont member
34. Do you wear contacts:
35. Where was the last place you went besides your house?
daniels house
36. What are you afraid of?
37. How many piercings and tattoo's do you have? \
i have my ears and tongue peirced i want to get a tat
38. How many pets do you have:
39. Have you ever loved someone:
40. What turns you on?
bad ass guys not fake ones and they have to be smooth
41. What do you usually order from Starbucks:
carmel frp
42. Have you ever fired a gun:
43. Are you missing someone:
44. Fave TV show?:
45. Do you have an ipod?: 
46. Has anyone ever said you looked like a celeb?:
47. Whats your mom's name:
48. Who would you like to see right now:
someone i shouldnt want to see
49. Favorite band of all time (ONLY ONE):
dont have one
50. where the fuck is 50 at??
who cares?
51. Have you ever been caught doing something you weren't supposed to?:
all the time
52. Favorite flower: 
black rose
53. Butter, plain, or salted popcorn:
 buttter and salt
54. What books are you reading: 
nothign new
55. Have you ever ridden in a limo:
56. Has anyone you were really close to passed away?:
57. Do you watch MTV:
58. What's something that really makes you laugh?:
59. Whats your favorite hobby?:
60. Do you like Michael Jackson:
62. Favorite basketball team: 
63. Favorite cereal:
coco puffs
64. Lucky Number..why?:
anything with an eight i dont know why mostly cause my birthdate 18-88
65. What's the longest time you've gone without sleep?:
two days
66. Last time you went bowling:
not for a long time i think it was with rhiannon and alex
68. Who was your last phone call?:
69. Last time you were at work:
i dont have a job
70. Whats your favorite state to be in: 
pa or ca or ill
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