Apr 27, 2005 18:27
Hello everyone. It will be interesting to see who responds! THis guy was told by a myspace friend of mine, Lines that Tend to Curve On A Rare Notice , that she could find 300 people who believed in gay marriage before he could find 300 people who didn't believe in gay marriage. If you believe in gay marriage, please copy and paste this onto a blank e-mail form (leaving off the headers). or repost it..
Add your name and send it to your friends and family or repost it. If you happen to be the 300th person signing this, please send it back to, Andrew Nelson. His e-mail address is: Rnbowzrok4evr@aol.com Thanks!
2) Jeremy
4) Michael (equality baby)
6.) Jason *love has no boundries nor does it discriminate! if another guy or girl makes you happy and you wanna be with them forever...i say fuck it...why not! its your life...live it! FTW*
7)Jessy~ Totally for it. Equality.
8)Brian~Love is Love.
9) Olivia
10) Christine
11) Jessie
14) Sierra
15) Elz
16) Black Lotus
20. Elyse
21.) Rowena all for it totally
22) Ginger
24) Jenn L
25) Greg C
26) Charlie K
30.) ASHLEY!!!
31) gretchen
32) Kate
33) Khyla
35)Chris N
36) Guillermo L.
37) Shelly
38) Jesse
39) JJ
40) Ben
41) molly
42)Erica F.-cant help who you fall for
43) MirMir (If ur really happy go for it!! You got my support!!)
44) Bekki - no descrimination love who makes you happy.
45) xAshleyx - what ever makes them happy!!!
46) Kristina- I'm kinda gay...lol
47)Jordan-A.K.A My name is your addiction
48)Christen~ Gay marriages r cool and should not be banned!!!
49) Cyanide - Anyone against them should die...
50)~*Misty- You have my support through and THROUGH!
51) Anthony (DETHRONED) - Honestly, gays have every right to be as depressed as heterosexuals in wedlock LOL. Straight people are not the only ones that should experience the depression of marriage!
52) ERIC
53) Nicky- The only hope is one day people wise up and allow it just as people were once against inner-racial marrige I am sure this will pass one day too.
54)ryan oliva
55) Becky*
56) `Nikole. =)
57) Jacqueline
58) Alex
59) andrew!
61) caryn
62)Mr.WaYnE- i agree w/ jason up there ^
64)Kara*yay for the gay!:)
66.Sean (cmon this is something lil kids should know
67) Brenna
68)Jenna- if brittney spears can go to vegas and marry her friend just to get an anullment, why cant 2 people of the same sex get married? i have some gay friends... and i love them to death. they should be allowed the right to be happy. it hurts my feelings to meet people that are anti-gay and such.
69)Miza- jenna(^) has spoken words of wisdom.
70)Emily--true dat!
72) Maddie
73) tom
74) carolyn
75) Demmi Netson -fuck you george bush
76) MACY
79) Brian
80) Jamie P.....
81) Yancey
82) Chrys
83) Karen
84) Crystal F. - I thought it was supposed to be a FREE country.
85) Alex W. -- I agree with Crystal. And It's all how you're raised. FUCK GEORGE BUSH
86)adam~ in a free country were gays get married and catholisism is the supreme religion....hum.....
87)John --Unity and Equality for all
88) anna fuckin overstreet
89) shane "FUCK YEA I GOT 89!" insane----what the fuck ever happened to freedom?
90) Julia/ A Clockwork Orange - Please keep signing. My cousin was married last summer to the love of her life, another woman, and it was beautiful for everyone who attended =-D
91) Andre - Fuck homophobes and fuck Bush! Go gay marriage!
92) Atara - Fuck Bush, he doesn't know anything.
93) Tim
94) Kim
95) ~ Gerri
95) Kristina- Gay Marriage, RIGHT ON!
96) Mia - Anything less than actual gay marraige, not civil unions, is disgraceful. Some people are delusional enough to think their sexuality makes them superior. Fuck them.
97) Shanoe`- what does it matter, love is love, anyone who stands between that can go fuck themselves
99) Meagan
100)Chris - yes 1/3 of the way!
101)Nichole~*Hickey*~Gay Pride all the way!!!!!
102) Jammi-Gay people Rock my soxs
103) LeiLaNi-HeCk YeSs!!!
104) [k]at[i]e- i loves gays, sweetest people ever
105) Jocelyn- I support gay marriage!! woot woot Everyone should have the right to do what they want to do!
106) Adele-if anybody tells me they are against gay marriage i will punch you in your face...no joke
107)Steve- aka - blank stares~ why the fuck not?
108) Taschka~aka~Daydream*her~~ Hell the fuck yeah....HELL YEAH...I already have my dressed designed...HELLLLOOOOOO!!
109)Kelly-fuck yeah man!
110) Brit- gay people- marriage- yes!
111) Erin
112) Jenny
113) melissa: shave your bush vote for kerry, and let gays marry!!!