Coast Guard Men are HOt-Ta-Tah

Aug 16, 2004 10:12

Ok so club X was not the spot to be on friday thats fo sho so Jessie and I left and went to Foster's get to gether at Daves house whichc had a few CP grads from 98-2000 then there was me the youngest lol. I met Matt, MAtt,John,Brian?, and a few other people got a massage from the smaller matt, saw hella cute pics of the other mattsson hugs from john, tried to ignore some kid named Doncho. lol. But it was very chill.

So then saturday we went to CityNights. It was ladies night so there were male strippers later into the night. lol. So Tasha and i walked in and were by the coat check to check in my purse and i see these two pretty cute guys. Andy asked for a mint and the we jusst started talkin. Then music starts and i learn that coat check wont be going on for a while so the 4 of us went out towards the dance floor. Their names were andy and nick.Andy= NICE NICE NICE muscles, brown short hair, tattoes, a bosons mate in the coast guard and like cop in the coast guard or something like that, did i mention nice muscles?From New york based in North Carolina. Has 2005 Taho out there. mmmm. Nick was quiet blondish hair, nice muscles under those clothes. Not the cutest face has some acne but i still think he was quite, strong silent type ;) I dont remember where he is from.  So andy and i were talking which left tasha for nick. Ya so she is 5'10 and wouldnt talk to him she was like he is too short. and iwas like stop being shallow he is cute andh as muscles  go talk to him, she just wouldnt do it. Andy went and  smoked which fully is gross and i was giving him crap over it later while nick was  laughing at it all and agreeing with me. I got up on top of the bar on the second level and just started dancing for awhile cuz the other three didnt wanna dance till more people were on the floor and im just like heyyyyyyy i wanna dance damn it.(we had gotten there fairly early ooh im glad i did.).

So Tasha was still being a bugga so we took off and went to dance got bored with lack of guys and went to the other room and sat down in one of the booths. After i stopped by to see my fave bartender. I walked up to him and was like so how many times am i going to have to come up to you for some water ::he gets me water:: before you tell me your name? He was like its Jesse. SOrry that i didnt call you yet Cody Ive been really busy working. Ive been meaning to though. So we go sit down up stairs and then i see andy and nick come up after us. and sit with us and were talking i get a call from DiDi and Kiku. So i stand up step over andy and go dow nto go get the girls they were going the opposite direction cuz they hadnt been there well Di Di had for Faith but ehh. I step back over andy and over by tasha the the girls squeeze in next to andy on the edge. In the time i was away tasha said something about me settling for now with andy cuz he smokes and stuff and he wasl ike soo your settling huh? and iwas like wahhhh ?? Tasha what did you say to get me introuble. That was like right after Di Di was like duude how did you get in. implying the underagedness. AHHHHHH. I was liek you both are officially not allowed to talk.

So we go out todance and i dont know where but some how we lost the guys and were just having fun dancing. I was hella like guarding my girls. It was pretty funny. an ugly or old guy would come up and id see it i straight up grabbed a hand and pulled the girl to me and we started dancing, and id turn them away from the guy before we backed off. or id be like yo fool what arey ou doing back up. I know what kinda guys my girls like so they trust me. Plus the kept asking if the one behind them was cute typically the answer was a no.  So finally at one point of passing by andy 5 million times I stopped cuz i had been on the phone so ineeded to find my girls again. To Andy  i was like so whhat arent you gonna dance and i turn to go to my girls and he was like "Am i following you?" i turn back around step into him a lil and was like if you want to as i disappeared to the middle where they were. It was crammed in there and ugly guys were all over my babies they were like help?! So while dancin with andy i pull each one closer and away from the ugly guys and andy was like do you girls wanna dance alone or something i got a buncha friends around here. So the the girls he was like have you heard of Coast Guard S.W.A.T. and they were like huh? I turned to him and iwas like lets go get them.

So we all pile out of the craziness that is the middle of that room and went towards his friends. In the process of that I see some cutie in a blue shirt standing there andi was like daaaamn i am soo dancing with him later lol. I didnt realize at the time he was part of the coast guard guys. So  between  the two of us andy and i hook my girls up with some of his (12) friends and we go off towards a corner where it was a little less crowded. We danced for hella songs then finally andy needed an ummm 'break' yea ya know. Anyway thats round the time that i was wanting water so i took off  and everyone else followed even though i said they didnt hafta. SO andy was where ever he was andi started talking to the guy in the blue shirt who was nearby.

I find out his name is justin  he with the rest of the guys too. He was around 5'9 or something maybe.. light brown hair that was kinda spiked till he put his hat on. Originally from kentucky i believe and based in Alabama. ( mmm  maybe i should visit my uncle out there.) He also taught hip hop and for a white boy he could helllllla move i was like heyyyy cute , muscles,  white, and can dance?!

So we go and dance for awhile and then  we split for a little cuz he was goign to the bathroom and then the girls ended up doign the same lol. I know my girls wanna watch out for me or whatever but ya know what i can take care of myself i dont want an eunterauge accompanying me to the rest room. I guess im setting a double standard or something cuz like di di and kiku are small asian girls kiku goes with whatever until made upset so yea in SF im gonan be watching over her like a hawk. Di im a lil less worried about especially after i hooked her up with Robert- 5'8'' brown hair half pilpino. Realllly cute. unfortunately also smoked. From New Orleans based in San Diego (holla) Tasha wasnt to worried about but she wanted me near by to save her from ugly guys. just in case but thatwas earlier she was fine with the coast guard guys around. None the  less i wouldnt let my girls wander themselves but i dont take shit from the fools that were up in there i straight up elbowed some guy who wouldnt take the hint to go. I guess turning towards him say bye bye and waving him off was to subtle of a clue After i was like ummm we are walking Di and Kiks to their car and we can waalk or they can give us a ride ( i wanted to walk tho)

Later we were chillin in the first room talking and hanging out.I was talking to justin then iwas talking to andy and then back to justin then all of the guys and my girls. Some girl was bugging Justin so he called me over. " THat girl was bugging me looking for our friend Scott that disappeared somewhere and  now she wont leave me" So he pulled me over for a hug she got the clue and bounced. After awhile i went back over to everyone else and Andy was like "YOUR BOY I S OVER THERE" all jealous and stuff and iwas just like oooo dang .lol Like Andy was all asking my girls about acouple guys i had been talking to who i had know from Highschool lol. I was making sure that Josiah was aight cuz he was pretty plastered and iwas making sure he got some water. But andy was totally liek  Tasha who were those guys blablabla. So I went up in the cage in the firstroom and i started dancing  saw the boys looking up at me then i realized tasha didnt go up there with me :( So icalled her up we were in there a little but the music sucked so we left. I got to the bottom of the ladder and I heard some salsa start to my hips start moving and i bounce on to the stage to go do some. I  went back to the guys after guy wouldnt stop staring and asking me to dance and iwas like one of yall best becoming and doing this with me and they were like we dont know salsa and justin was being shy and wanted no part of being in a cage or on stage. And ylike kept creeping closer and closer but then ended up stopping Di said that was when he was debating still going for me sincei was off tlaking to so many guys. So iwasl ike whatever im still gonna do it lol. Finally towards the end we all went back to dance and i got andy again who at some point to kiku was like "whats with your girl why she trying to be a playa"  which was not even my intention Kiku was like " why/ Because she can. You prove it everytime you go back to her, " Di thinks that he wanted to be the one trying to be a playa or whatever so he was all grr or something. And then he came back to me again. So i was on the floor with diana and robert and tasha and kiku  andy was there too kinda standing debating on dancing and i looked at him and said what you aint gonna dance no more come on. So i got him dancing again.  Then afterwards we went to there hotel where we were all under the impression there was a hot tub. So eventually justin andy tasha andi wander towards the deck looking for one only to find a pool. We wanderthe hotel for a while and find there is not hot tub. we were sad. So we decide to just get in anyway. So i was the first one in becasue Andy and Justin were driving me nuts with their u getin first no u and noone was getting is so iwas like fuck it. Took of the jeans shoes and shirt and in i went. i think that is jen g's influence on me. S othey guys were standingthere like icant believe she did that then they came in like up to there knees standing there for awhile and realize it really wasnt as warm as they all led me on to believe . Tasha stuck her feet in. So then andy just stands there, justin grabs me a towel and we decide that we are bored and are going back to the Hyatt at embarcadero where nick and andy were staying. So as we got back to the room out side i nthe hall i dropped the towel and put my jeans on so kiku wouldnt kill me. and then walk in in the process ben was like well you could leave those off and i just laughed cuz he is married. Justin grabs a key and asks tasha if we could drop him back off after when we were ready to split form the next hotel and she said yea. well at this point it wasnt a good combo. Nick had kinda been interested in tasha till she kept blowing him off. Justin and andy both had interest in me and were like oh ill back down no its ok you saw her first il back down B.S. and then i m like wait i dont get a choice?!  So andy figured he could back down and try talking to tasha who  wasnt  interested. So that one way or another leaves some people not having too much fun lol. So nick andy and justin were  already to the car and iwas walking with justin and his arm around me and he was like you look kinda tired and iwas like yea i am. He was like why dont u go home ( i had proposed to tasha that we go home and she seemed like she wanted to stay so i was like thats fine) and i told him that he was like oh.  I told him i wasnt planning on stickin around the hotel long anyway and he was like ohh ok gave me a few more kisses on the cheek and said he was gonna stay atthat hotel then so we didnt hafta drive him back and iwas liek u sure? I get in the car andy was like what was thaat!? Justins not ocming ? why  party pooper and iwasl ike no that was on me. Im tired so whatever. Tasha put country on as e were heading to the hyatt and andy and i werel ike duuuuuude and nick and tasha werre like woo hooo and then i listened to the song and iwas like sweet so istarted singing too and andy was just like ooo gawd. lol. We get to the hotel find parking and head up to the 9th floor. Andy takes the shirt off to get a massage and nick gets comfy in his chones. Tasha nd iwere looking at his muscles like yummmy and tasha wasl iek i feel so stupid next time i listen to you blablabla. lol. so the two of them were watchinga movie and andy and iwere doing our own thing. I get acall alittle after 5am from my papa like umm are u goinng to be coming home like NOW and iwas liek uhh we are on the way? S owe spit. I got home around 6 lol.

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