And where were you?

Jul 18, 2004 10:51

Last night was fun. I am super glad Heather came up from Fullerton. I did miss her and I hope she had fun last night.

After much fussing with my hair due to my being stupid waking up and pratically straightening it unintentionally and unknowingly i finally left for Heathers around 9 ish. I had left my cell in my car so i noticed it was flashing me like grrr stupid people called u and u didnt answer so i called people back, called Sean who had called like 4 hours earlier and told him id be getting there in liek 15 min. he said about the same for him and gerry.

20 min later i got there hugged Heather who was watching southpark, met Donica(sp?) Saw Marne, and Lizzy. Totally didnt even rememeber her until she was like hey whats up. "im sorry idont remeber your name" REmeber last time with the screen door? " OMG! HEY! ::ran and hugged her:: That was sooo funny. back in the end of May Heather had a going away thing and this girl straight up ran in to and bent the screen door. Ya can still see a bit of the face imprint. She and i worked fast at unbending it and putting it back which was hilarious in itself.

Heather Donica? and I head down the hill, with me in 3 inch heels and almost falling cuzi t was pitch black so i bust out the cell and use it as a flashlight, towards the trampoline. Lizzy and Marne went to the store for guacamole and we were like but theres no chips ahhh they are gonna eat it with a fork hahaha but our stoner buddies rock and got veggetarian friendly fruit by the foot, chips, salsa, guacamole, twix& cookie, popcorn ect. Sean called saying he got there and so we went back up the hill. much easier going up than coming down. Got hug from Jerry and then Sean. caught up a little from last tues that we had all been together found out Jen was coming !! YAY! i lovethat girl she is crazy tho<3

We found some shot glasses of sorts and on came red headed sluts. We were all chillin and talking then the guys went out side to smoke and once found an upwind place of the smoke i went with them cuz it sucks being all by em selves with the girls inside. Couple of seansfrineds from tracy came dont remeber their names but they endedu p i nthe hot tub with us later. Jerry gets smart and was like duuuude sean bring a slut over ice in a glass out here. The procession of sluts continued, i was handed the drink and it was downed under a min. Followed by sean saying he oved me for as long as hes known me never turning down a drink lol.

Went inside for awhile with the munchies like whoa and talked with marnie and lizzy and everyone bout school and stuff very chill.Heather and I turned the JAcuzzi on and it toook forever to actually be hot which sucked ass. cuz i hopped in think it to be hot a squealed and hopped out. then i wasl ike ahh fuck it and went in anyway and delt wit the cold. it gradually was gettin warmer but way to slow. wasnt till an hour or 2 later that it was warm enough to enjoy.thats boutthe time sean told me jen got there, Jen walks in with a buncha guys liek 7? The guys come and intruduce themselves. ( i dont remeber anyof their names i do for whatever reason remeber heathers 2 friends names Chris and Chris)Jen sees me in the hot tub and came over and gave me a hug. Put her leg s in the water one of the guys was pretending to push her in and so she just takes the skirt and shirt off and comes in. WE were all like not even 5 minutes and her clothes are off. Hahahah knew it was gonna happen to. I dried off a little cuzi was freezing gave jen my towel since she was in her underwear. modest or not i dont care she was still gonna need it so i hunted down another one.

I go wanderign in the house towards water to drink. Was chillin there and talked to i think her name was kim? for a min or two then the guys started talkin to me. one ofem though my name was codine? lol that was interesting , Then he said something bout henessey and i had not had it before so i told him to bust it out. So he went and got it from where ever it wasthat he put it. Handed it to me and was liek dont let anyone else touch be right back. So i started to pour it in to my glass with comments from the peanut gallery "damn that is hella", " girl thats gonna get you messed up" hey bro look how much she got in there thats gonna get Cody fucked up". There was about the equiv. of a cup of hennesey in my glass.I dont know if its a lot but eh. From there i went on to drink the whole thing like it was a shot. I had another shotand glass of a slut either right before or after that not quite sure.

Then i decided i was bored in there and i needed to drink water and not drink more alcohol so i grabbed my keyes and went outto my car to be warm cuz iwasstill kinda wet and dint want my jeans wet so i wasin my swim suite still. I guess i was out there for awhile cuz peoples were splitting and then sean and heather looked for me cuz i had totalyl disappeared. So then i went back in there finally after hitting my water bottle found my glass and got more water to drink and we all hit the hot tub when it was ctually a decent temperature yay! It was cute when a girl was getting stipped to go in or out of the hot tub Jerry and Sean would turn around for respect ofthem or somethign i was like aww. The circuit blew like 3 times which sucked so heather and i got out togetherto go flick it, then i did it again later and i realized oncei looked at my phone that nana and papa had called at like 130 ( an half hour almost an hour prior) so iwas like fuck aroun 240 decidedi should head home. Made surei was sobering up ennough to drive cuz i didnt want Donny to come get me even though he said he would. Cuz then papa would be like grrrwhere is ur car blablabla it woulda been bad. but i let him know i got home safe. I think i texted ken too " no way so friggen awesome. Ya i just got home tell you about it later. You rock.kisses!" lol oops aww well.

That was basically the night.i had come home at 3 my parents think i was home earlier than that muahhaha like at 130 sooo funny my granma was liek wanna hear something funny? at 130 ur papa looked out the window didnt see ur car and called ur cell and around two i made him look again and he got a glimpse of ur car and told me u were hoime
ok well actually i came home at 3 and he woked up at 330 came into my room and saw me thats when he got back to bed and im just lieke score im not introuble they think i was home early pimp. so they werel ike Papa musta called when u were already home other wise ud a answered.
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