I usually wait 'til I've made a few things and post them all at once, but this is the first icon I've made with Adobe Photoshop, and this banner...well, I'm just putting up this banner. I like the banner, but I may rework it with a darker font color, so I may put that up soon.
I must say though, I find Adobe a pain in the ass. You can do more stuff, but at the same time, everything takes long. I like PaintShopPro better because nearly everything is on a toolbar. In Adobe I keep having to go through the menus and that annoys me to death. Maybe I'll get used to it or whatever, but I don't know. I guess we'll see.
Oh, and the lyrics on the banner are from the song She's Always a Woman by Billy Joel. It's a great song...but the biggest shock of all? It's Bosco/Cruz. I'm the biggest Bosco/Faith person alive, and I did a Bosco/Cruz banner. I know. Feel your reality shatter.