14 Giles Drabbles

Nov 30, 2012 09:56

So my dear friend il_mio_capitano and I played another round of Tag Drabble. The rules we play by are these:

1) The drabbles must be Giles-centric.
2) 100 words. No more, no less.
3) The first line of the first drabble must become the last line of the last drabble

This time the good Captain suggested the first line and I posted the first drabble, which meant that she had to close the circle with the final drabble.

The first line was "You're so strict!"

We hope you enjoy!

Disclaimers: The usual. BtVS belongs to Joss Whedon and all the people/corporations that hold its rights and whatnot. We just like to play with the characters and make no profit in doing so. Yadda yadda yadda...

Off to the drabbles
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