All right, last one, folks. Major thanks to everyone who read and commented this week - you all make my world go 'round, seriously.
Title: Love in the Time of Malaria
sahiyaPairing/Rating: FRC, Giles/Xander
Word Count: 1800
Disclaimer: Not mine! Joss's! Mutant Enemy's!
Summary: The thing about malaria in the twenty-first century was that it didn't actually kill you - it just made you wish you were dead.
Author's Notes: Written for my own prompt in the
Giles H/C Ficathon: Xander; gen or pairing; post-Chosen, Xander is either injured in the line of duty or catches random tropical virus #298 while in Africa. Giles takes care of him. Profound apologies to Gabriel Garcia Marquez for corrupting the title of his book. Unbeta'd.
Love in the Time of Malaria