FIC: Florence F***ing Nightingale

Apr 30, 2008 09:13

Title: Florence F***ing Nightingale
Author: sahiya
Pairing/Rating: PG-13 (language, mostly), Giles/Faith
Word Count: 9300
Disclaimer: Not mine! Joss's! Mutant Enemy's!
Summary: Giles gets the flu while he and Faith off doing their "equal partnership" thing. Faith freaks the hell out. Set shortly after Lovely, Dark, and Deep.
Author's Notes: Written for one of my own prompts in the Giles H/C Ficathon: Post-Chosen, comics canon. Giles catches the flu at some point while he and Faith are doing whatever it is they're doing. Faith is forced to take care of him. Does either of them survive? Thanks to fuzzyboo03 for the beta.

Florence F***ing Nightingale
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