
Feb 17, 2005 13:23

Ooh dear so my organisation skills have abandoned me this week, I have soooo much work to do due tonight/tomorrow/yesterday and so I'm updating my journal to try and forget. I have an absolute load of really hard Chemistry questions which were due at 5 yesterday, so I promised they'd be in by 5 today, an assessed practical write-up for my Evolution and Behaviour module, and some assessed maths exercises. If you saw my Maths you'd laugh, I do the Elementary maths for biologists module which is for people without A-Level (I dropped down recently due to the glandular fever) and it's really easy but I still screw it up, I *really* still can't do A Level calculus! The main problem being that last night it was the Natural Scientists dinner, black tie, lots of wine, pre-dinner drinks at 7.45, it didn;t end until 11 and there was a white wine, a red wine and port at the end and the waiters kept filling up your glasses. However, due to my extreme teetotalism recently (you can;t drink with glandular fever) I thought I'd be ok with a couple of glasses only because it;s been a month or so now, but I had one just-over-half glass of champagne, one glass of white wine, a few sips of red and a port-glass of port (port glasses are mini and really really cute) which amounts to just over 2 glasses in total, got really tipsy, started feeling sick (in a 'i'm drinking on an ill liver' not a drunk way) and then woke up feeling hungover. My liver is totally useless!! So now am feeling all weak and tired and having to do mountains of assessed work. Grrr.
Was amusing last night, just as the guest speaker was talking, my friend Stewart sitting next to me managed to nearly smash his plate trying to eat the powdered cinnamon and sugar on the edge, so tipsy Cath got a fit of the giggles. Embarrassing for us both I think, especially as my director of studies and my supervisors were all laughing at us. I'm not quite accustomed to all the Cambridge socialising and drinking with teachery people yet, especially as I get giggly after a glass - do you refuse a drink and look rude or say yes and get pissed?!
Anyway, must stop procrastinating....
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