
May 30, 2005 20:46

although getting the ageha album cheered me up somewhat..i'm sill pissed at the freaking liar! and the worse thing is..i don't even know why i'm suddenly mad at him all over again..(but chros is making me laugh again and again though..XDD and he doesn't even have to try..his attitude just amuses me..) maybe it's jealousy, or just his freaking attitude..or just knowing that he is fooling other people out there..it's like what the hell..say that i'm blowing him off when he's the one that's blowing me off..maybe i'm partly at fault..but you were the one who changed for pete's sake! you were the one who just stopped talking to me all of a sudden..and then act as if nothing happened..like nothing's changed..and i try to patch things up..but you just keep making it worse..how am i supposed to not get mad..and clemence makes me mad too..he keeps lying to nadiah about me..making me sound like a god damn annoying little sis who just won't leave him alone..and i bet that's why nadiah's thinking now..GOOD FOR NOT BELIEVING HIM ABOUT THE *** THINGY! and clemence keeps going on about kevin..FOR PETE'S SAKE CLEMENCE!! i do not like kevin..and kevin doesn't like me..we are just friends!! in fact..friends is not appropriate since we hardly talk..i should just call it "acquintances" HAPPY CLEMENCE?! oh no..but that ain't going to satisfy you is it? how bout this? i haven't spoken to him since friday..and i hardly speak to him..yet you keep insisting that i talk to him every single day..just shut the freaking hell up will you? or i will spill the beans on that thing..i can and i might..if you push things too far..and the other thing that pisses me off is that my stupid younger sibs have ENTIRELY no respect for me at all..WTF?! they don't even care for pete's sake! they just whack me for no apparent reason..call me a bitch..and whatever you got..and they are ALLOWED to do those things..and those whacks aren't those little kiddy whacks! those whacks are those whacks which are done with the help of things like books and a FREAKING GOD DAMN BLOWPIPE! what has happened to respect for one's elders?! i'm being bullied left right centre and no one freaking gives a damn..because no one cares about silly little teresa who's too smart for her own good and can go to hell for all she's worth..and you know what? because i'm so freaking pissed with my god damn life, i just hurt jessica's feelings! and it's her god damn b'day on the 8th! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU TERESA?! somt times i wish i could just die..then i wouldn't hurt anyone anymore..and best of all..no one can hurt me anymore..fcuk teresa..just go and die..and i don't even think that i will tell any of this to my psychiatrist tomorrow cuz' how can i trust him?
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