Dear Kathryn,
This letter is to inform you that you have been selected as an ALTERNATE ALT short-list candidate for this year's JET Programme.
You will be informed as to whether a candidacy on the short-list has become available by the end of October, and upon receiving confirmation, if you, at that stage, still wish to participate on the Programme, placement will proceed. After a Contracting Organization has been selected, you will be informed of the name of the prefecture or designated city to which you are assigned. Every effort willl be made to satisfy your posting preferences. However, please understand that this will not always be possible.
You are requested to confirm your willingness (or unwillingness) to serve as an alternate participant by returning the enclosed REPLY FORM with your CERTIFIATE OF HEALTH and PRE-DEPATURE ORIENTATION REGISTRATION FORM no later than the 27th of APril 2007, and you CRIMINAL RECORD CHECK (verifying no offences) no later than the 29th of June 2007, after which placement in a Contracting Organization will proceed. Please be sure that if the REPLY FORM is not submitted by the deadline, it may be considered without warning that you habe turned down your candidacy for the 2007 JET Programme.
Due to time constraints, it will be to your advantage to make sure you have a valid passport. You should not apply for a Japanese visa yet.
Marcia Iwasaki
Culture & Education Programme Coordinator
So I'm a maybe. I'm not too sure how I feel about this. I'm upset, obviously, because it's not a definite yes and it's not a definite no. I think I may have wanted to get a definite answer one way or another. This, this just means more hanging in the balance, being uncertain and not really knowing what it going to happen. I'm going to send everything back and say 'yeah, I accept being second string.' because isn't that really what it boils down to? Second string? It's a 'you're not our fist choice but we don't want to get rid of you completely so we're gonna put you on this list and if other people fall through or more positions open up then you might get offered something. But we'll see.'
I'm upset, I'm angry too. I'm angry because damnit I'm a great person to send there. This has been a fucking goal of mine for 9 years! 9 FUCKING YEARS!
Fuck, I just can't focus right now. Maybe I'll try this again after digesting it a bit more.