The Dark Tower

Feb 18, 2006 16:56

The series of fantasy/real world books I'm reading written by the ever fantabulous Stephen King.

It's so out there that it works and I'm really happy I picked it up at the Krabi airport (got the first three book 3 for the price of 2 yay!). That and anything Stephen King writes is awesome, I read Salem's Lot once and it scared the hell out of me.

Anyways enough about books.

I know lots of people want to know about my holiday so here goes.

We moved around a fair bit, stayed at Patong Beach for the first part (this was in my opinion THE BEST hotel) the hotel had a huge weaving pool and we could walk straight into it from our little balcony. Patong was fantastic bar all the horrible ugly fat Europeans lounging in hardly anything on the beaches. Next we went to Aonang which was really nice as well, a lot less hectic with good restaurants and an odd upstairs pool. From there we went to an island called Railey staying there for two nights, it was nice and quiet and relaxing and we took a long boat (think large canoe with a car motor) around for a day visiting islands and beaches and doing some snorkelling. Then we went back to Aonang for a night before heading off to Bangkok.

Now I originally did not like Bangkok in the slightest it was dirty and busy but I have fallen completely in love with that city (minus some of its incredibly dodgy rip off merchant taxi drivers!!!). The shopping was great but the best thing was just walking around and taking it all in, that and there were no beaches for big fat europeans to lounge around on half naked. During our stay in Bangkok we went to Kochanaburi for a night (dodgy hotel with only four other guests and EGGS was all that was on offer for breakfast). There we did some exploring, went to the Tiger Temple which is this monk sanctuary for animals and they've got lots of tigers there. Everyone bar me went in and touched them, don't ask me why I didn't, it was a fear of them I just didn't feel like it. Then after that we headed back to Bangkok for another night before departing on the midnight horror flight the next night. One thing I despised about Bangkok was the airport departure was HORRIBLE, I don't know how they survive seeing as everyone stops over there or Singapore but if you get to pick, pick Singapore, there was absolutely no structure in checking us all in.

So now I'm back and I've decided I am NEVER EVER EVER EVER going on another family and boyfriend trip, it just did not work but I had a great time regardless and got good pressies and some really nice jewellry not to mention cheap cheap bags and lots of them :)

I now can't wait for the trip to Thailand with Milo, Dan and possibly Andreas depending on when his best buddy is coming from Denmark. It'll be an amazing trip and I know we'll have loads of fun.
Dan you will not have to jump out of a plane because I will not get sick of you :p

Side note: got the series Dead Like Me which only airs in Australia on Foxtel...I love it, then again I love all depressing sarcastic characters. I think they remind me of myself.

Squishes to all, I've missed you.

holiday, thailand, tv shows, book recommendations

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