Exams The Bane of Everyone

Nov 13, 2005 14:37

So I'm coming into the home stretch! Which isn't actually a good thing, it means I get slacker, lazier and am currently in the mood of why do today what I can put off until tomorrow? Um well maybe, idiot self, it's because soon tomorrow will be exam day and then you'll have no time left!

I'm doing ok though but everytime I say that to myself I get pissy cos I know I'm just using that to alleviate my feelings of guilt over not studying! My god I have turned into a serious nerd, I think almost all my posts have contained something study related...shame shame on me.

Going to a family BBQ/family birthday this afternoon (even more reason to stu...; sorry just beat the inner nerd up) which should be nice, taking the boy along as well cos the family always bitch about him never being there. Well not bitch persay but whine...I come from a long line of whiners, we've made it an art form hehehe

Now as most of you know, we've got a new/semi-new (we've had him for awhile) puppy. The cat cannot handle it and has now upped the war by charmingly peeing in the bathrooms. The poor thing, she can't go downstairs to get out and the only other option is going through mum's window but someone has to help her out that way. I feel so guilty and one of the biggest reasons I'm looking forward to moving into an apartment is the fact that she'll finally have her own place, and seeing as Mum will own it, I'll be able to put a cat door in for her HURRAH. It'll be her own piece of kitty heaven. For those of you wondering why the purchases are going on in my family it is because WANA (my mum's business for those not in the know). Very sad but also really fantastic because I'm so proud of what mum has achieved, going from a single parent on welfare and looking after two bratty daughters to a former-business owner looking after two even more bratty yet grown up daughters! It's like a new chapter for us, a very deserved new chapter, especially for mum. I'm slightly scared because I know once I get out into the proper big world I'm going to have to make my own way through it and I've been way too molly-coddled!

But I was flicking through the paper looking at future Human Resources position and I've decided that that's what I want to do. Sure the introductory unit hasn't been that mind blowing but hell, it's a introductory unit and it's too damn broad to be something you can really sink your teeth into. But it'll be good fun and I know I'm going to enjoy it!
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