My Head hurts

May 15, 2005 14:44

It's 2:46pm only another hour and a half and i can see my Baby b4 i have to go to work 10 mins with her feels so good when i haven't seen her for 5 hours. Then another 4 and a half hours and i can see her again. She called me at 1pm just to talk to me for 2 min and she told me to call her back in a little while so i called her at 2:00 guess the fitting room must have been busy b/c she said she'd call me back and it's been about an hour scince then.. pls call me soon.. Want to hear the Voice i love so much but like i said another hour and a half and she'll be home.. tough it out.
I put in my change of hours at Wally World b/c this lack of being able to see her is driving me mad. As it is now She works from 11-4 gets home around 4:30 picks me up and drops me off at work i'm there til like 9:30 come home and our child doesn't like to sleep so normally he's still up, he doesn't drop til like 10:30-11 when he does we Spoon and watch adult swim for about a hour til she passes out. So rough average per day i get to see my hopefully future wife for about 2-3 hours a day and normally we're rushing to get ready for work.I decided to be the "Man" of the household and work full time in the mornings hopefully i get the hours which would 1) bring in more cash and 2) enable me to be together with my future family and leave alot of daylight to see me buds.
Anyway L8ters,

P.S. "Do or Do Not there is no try" - Master Yoda
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