Contact Lists [Locked to Wanderers/allies, locked against third parties]

Feb 18, 2009 06:52

Escort Master List

In the interest of making sure everyone knows who to go to if they need someone to escort them out, I'm attempting to compile a list of people willing to perform escort duties by location.

We're looking for people who, ideally, are either armed or have substantial unarmed combat experience. If you have a mobile phone, that would be best, though we're working on distributing panic buttons to those who need them.

If you're not on the list and want to be, leave a note here, please.

The Conrad Hotel

+ Elena Guerrero
+ Martin Raske
+ Julia Angelos

The Main Gauche Apartments

+ Dante
+ Malek Asenath
+ Tay Barnam
+ Buffy Summers
+ Eric Delaflote

The Kashtta Tower

+ Gene Hunt

Medical Aid Master List

If you're a medical professional or have medical training, I'll want you on this list, again, by location.

If you're hurt and don't trust a hospital, these are the people to talk to.

The Kashtta Tower

+ Dr. Owen Harper
+ Dr. Juliet Burke


+ Dr. Grace Cassidy (staying w/ her ward - contact through journals)


+ Ivan Volkovich - offering martial arts training (Conrad Hotel)
+ Andy Mackenzie - panic button duties, has contacts in local hospitals (Kashtta Tower)

[[OOC: The only people on the list initially are my pups, Aubrey's, and the Torchwood doctors, since, although other characters have volunteered to help, I want to make sure they're dead set on pulling escort/medical duty instead of taking a more active role in the investigation.]]

contact lists, locked against: third parties, journal, locked: wanderer allies, locked: wanderers, [beyond the rift]

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