May 09, 2002 01:10
I saw Jesus walking down the street the other day. No joke. He was walking down Route 29 (Lee Highway) in full garb. Robe, Bible, full beard, long hair, bare feet and all. Just walking down the street. Now, what the hell is up with that? I was at work when one of the guys that I work with came running in saying "Hey guys! Did you see Jesus? He's walking down the street!" and I walked out the door and sure enough, there he was. Then all of a sudden my manager runs past me along with his digital video camera and my boss following close behind him... there they went, running down the street after jesus. They wanted to get a picture of him to prove that he was really there. They came back in with the video camera in hand and the picture on the viewfinder thing. They were all happy that they had gotten the picture. Apparantly they asked "the jesus" what he was doing (like if there was a message or anything he was trying to spread) but all he had to say in response was "I'm in a hurry" and he let them take the picture and he was on his way. Now, where in the hell was he in a hurry to? he was first walking up 29 and then he was walking down 29... two opposite directions and in bare feet nonetheless!!! We were all laughing about it. My manager was just happy that he got his picture even though he doesn't even know how to print it out or download it. He was going around all that day to customers and co-workers alike showing them the picture and asking everybody he came across if they saw jesus walking down the street... the whole situation was just absolutely hillarious.
So, have you seen jesus today?