Tropics - possible global warming connection - continues to be a very hot topic at the

Apr 27, 2006 02:45

AMS sponsored 2006 27th Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology being held this week in Monterey, California.

So sharply polarized are some researchers of Tropical Meteorology and Climatology, that about the only thing keeping the gloves from coming off at times has been the strictly moderated format which was put in place, according to some observers in attendance.

One of the most outspoken voices among those who assert that Global Warming is having no real effect on tropical cyclones has been Dr. William Gray. However, it is not universally well-known among the public that Dr. William Gray (of the famous Colorado State University team which issues annual Tropical Cyclone forecasts, which by his own admission, have been a little less than on target at times) is not only a skeptic of Global Warming to begin with, but asserts that it is essentially nothing more than a hoax.

Apparently Dr. Gray's gloves came off even before the conference, in his Meeting Paper, which he provided in advance.

It is noteworthy and insightful to me that Dr. Gray begins this paper with the following quote from Senator Inhofe (R., Oklahoma): "Global Warming caused by human activity might be the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American People," and further closes his paper with another dazzling quote, this one from Larry Nation, Spokesman for the American Association of Petroleum Geologists: "It is fiction. But it has the absolute ring of truth."

His paper is not peer reviewed, but has already attracted significant criticism.

Still, there are many other experts that, while unlike Dr. Gray believe Global Warming is not a hoax, do also believe that it is not having any significant impact on tropical cyclone frequency or intensity.

It is going to be interesting indeed to read what all comes out of this week's conference, when all is said and done. While I admit that I believe 100% that Global Warming is occurring and is the result of human activity, I still only tend to believe that Global Warming is impacting tropical cyclone frequency and intensity, but remain completely open-minded, as clearly so much more research, particularly vigorous and peer-reviewed studies, needs to be done.

global warming, dr. william gray

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