Looking for a beta

Mar 09, 2011 17:48

Preferred Name: alafaye
Pairings/Characters: Jack/Ianto, Eleven/River; hints of Jack/Ianto/Eleven, Jack/Ianto/River/Eleven
Rating: PG
Setting: Post Exit Wounds, pre CoE/future season of Doctor Who
Length: 1398
Genre: friendship, adventure, crossover
Pairing Type: slash, het
Warnings: hints of threesome, foursome
A brief summary: Eleven and River need a few extra hands to help a colony sending out a mauve signal and recruit Jack and Ianto. After they save the colony, Eleven takes Jack and Ianto somewhere else.
Location: Tardis, unknown planet
Due Date: none

Further notes: The story is mostly conversation between Ianto and River with some Eleven and Jack trying to keep the two apart since they don't quite trust River and Ianto to not get into trouble or conspire together. My weaknesses in my writing is grammar, spelling, and Brit-picking (I'm an American who hasn't quite gotten all the Brit-picking down). I'm also not quite sure I got River and Eleven quite in character which I would like to have.

The story is short and sweet and it never says that Jack, Ianto, and Eleven were together nor does it say of future foursome, but it does hint at it.

Thanks in advance!

beta: found, setting: multiple settings, pairing type: threesome, pairing type: slash, genre: friendship, genre: cross-over, rating: pg, length: one-shot, genre: multiple genres, pairing: jack/ianto, length: ficlet, pairing type: het, region: north america

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