Found! Looking for a Beta!

Jan 21, 2011 22:31

Preferred Name: Yun Min/ Amanda
Pairings/Characters: Jack/Ianto, Gwen/Rhys, canon compliant.
Rating: PG-13
Setting: Series 2 of Torchwood, Series 3 and 4 of Doctor Who (It's a Turn Left! rewrite.) Alternate Canon.
Length: Mulit-chap, WIP. ~50,000, I've got about 7,000 written at the moment.
Genre: Action/Adventure, Fantasy, Cross Over, Multiple Genres.
Pairing Type: Slash and Het.
Warnings: Character Death, Minor Violence.
A brief summary: When Donna Noble turned right instead of left, the entire world changed around her. And while Torchwood is ready for the twenty-first century, they aren't ready for this.
Location: England.
Due Date: Don't have one; I'm still writing, and aren't looking to post anything until I'm finished.

Notes: I'm looking for someone to beta part two of my ongoing cross-over series, Repaying Faith (the first part of which can be found here), which is a Torchwood/Dark is Rising sequence crossover (well, other things as well, but this part only involves the Dark is Rising sequence), so if I could find a beta who has read that series, it would be great! It's also headin quite steadily into AU, as Turn Left in itself is an Alternate Universe (adding to the mess already created by the crossover).

beta: found, setting: multiple settings, length: long-fic, setting: series two, genre: cross-over, length: multi-part, region: region-free, pairing: jack/ianto, length: wip

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