Preferred Name:
heeroluva Region: US East coast, but my schedule is weird and I'm up at all times of the day.
Story Preferences
Pairings: any combination of Jack/Ianto/John/Owen/OMC, can do gen
Ratings: any
Length: any, prefer complete
Setting: Pre-Series, Season 1 & 2, CoE Fix-Its, CoE Compliant, Alternate Reality (Possible aliens), Alternate Canon
Genre: Action/Adventure, Angst, Cross-over, Drama, Family, Fantasy, Fluff, Friendship, Horror, Hurt/Comfort, M-Preg, Multiple Genres, PWP, Romance, Suspense, Teamfic, Tragedy
Pairing Type: Slash, Poly, Threesomes
Betaing Dislikes
Pairings: Gwen/Jack
Ratings: none
Length: prefer no WIPs unless they person wants help with development
Setting: Alternate Universe (No aliens), Season 4
Genre: Humour, Crack, Mystery
Pairing Type: het
Squicks: magic penis makes everyone’s problems go away, genderbending, feminization of male characters, scat, vomit, underage, graphic mpreg, graphic noncon/torture, necrophilia, vore
Kinks: If it's not a squick it's very unlikely I have issues with it.
Strengths: Characterization, Continuity, Idea-Bouncing, Spelling, Grammar and punctuation
Weaknesses: : Brit-picking
Beta Style: I can be harsh or I can be kind (though I don't sugar coat), let me know what you prefer.
Are you fluent in any language(s) other than English?: nope, but I know enough Spanish to get by
Crossovers: Sure, check my profile or feel free to ask
Anything Else? : My degree is in psychology with a concentration in development and sexuality. I'm currently working on a masters in forensic psychology. So if you need help with psychology, sexuality, or law, I can probably help. I also have minors in writing and sociology.