Preferred Name: HumanTales
Region: USA, East Coast
Story Preferences
Pairings: All pairings
Ratings: G-PG13
Length: Any
Setting: Pre-Series, Season 1 & 2, CoE Fix-Its, CoE Compliant, Alternate Canon.
Genre: Action/Adventure, Angst, Cross-over, Drama, Family, Fantasy, Fluff, Friendship, Horror, Humour, Hurt/Comfort, Multiple Genres, Mystery, Romance, Suspense, Teamfic, Tragedy
Pairing Type: Gen, slash, het, threesome, poly
Betaing Dislikes
Pairings: None
Ratings: See below
Length: NA
Setting: Alternate Universe
Genre: PWP
Pairing Type: Femmeslash
Squicks/Kinks: Character bashing, see below
Strengths: Grammar, spelling, punctuation, coherence, canon knowledge, cheerleading Weaknesses: : Brit-picking, instant response
Beta Style: I will mark everything I find, but I try to be gentle with issues I've found. I'll do my best to offer alternatives as well.
Are you fluent in any language(s) other than English?: No.
Crossovers: In addition to Torchwood, I've written Buffy, Doctor Who, Harry Potter, Quantum Leap and Sherlock. I'm familiar with a number of other fandoms.
Anything Else? :
1. I'm a middle-aged, married, working mother of a teenager; I can't guarantee instant turnarounds. However, if you're up against a wall, let me know. If I can help, I will.
2. There are several places above where I've limited what I'll beta. However, unless it's in the Dislikes category, I may be willing to work on it with you. As an example, although I've limited it to PG13 above, in some cases I'll work on NC17 work. The conditions are stricter, more ambiguous and more likely to change, but I'm willing to discuss it.
3. Yes, I'm available.