A Mod-ly Note...

Jun 18, 2011 23:34

Hi Everyone!

Firstly, I'd like to apologise for leaving it so late between Mod-Notes. Our original aim had been to have a Mod Note at least once a month, unfortunately, as the saying goes: Life happens when you make plans.

Between Real Life and School Life, we've all been under a fair whack of pressure. Hopefully, now that summer (or winter as the case may be) is here and life seems to be easing a little bit (at least for me), we can get back on track with our regularly scheduled maintenance of the Archives and get a few of those articles we promised up and running.

In the next week, a mini DIY Beta cheat-sheet will be getting posted, an LJ HTML cheat-sheet is already available on the Mod Journal [ Here].

We are still looking for writer/beta input on the Etiquette and 'How to Avoid Miscommunication Problems'. You can leave a response to [ This] Mod Note, or email the mods at twbeta.archives.mods@gmail.com.

Now, onto our Modly Round-Up!

The following events have been added to the Beta Archives Calendar:
  • Ianto Big Bang! Round #1 is being hosted at ianto_bigbang . Registration is already open, and the schedule of events is from Author/Artist Sign-On (Starting today, 18/06/11) through to the end of October.
  • Torchwood Big Bang! Round #3 is once again being hosted at tw_bigbang . Author and Artist registration opens on the 8th of July and author registration closes on July 29th.
If you run a Torchwood Fic Community, and have an event planned and would like it listed on the Archives calendar, please don't hesitate to email us and let us know.

We have yet to begun moving the Master List for beta profiles to the mirror community on DreamWidth, again, real life took precedence. However, this is something we hope to rectify in the coming weeks, as it is always nice to have a back-up... just in case. If you do not wish to have your beta profile accessible from the community mirror on DreamWidth, please do not hesitate to contact the mods at the usual email to let us know.

Once again, thank you so much for your patience.

Bek - miss_bekahrose 


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