Title: Starlight
Category: X-Force
Characters: Rictor and Shatterstar
Genre: Romance/Angst/Drama
Rated: R
Disclaimer: I do not own a thing
Summary: Rictor contemplates and muses while Shatterstar acts. Pointless really, but I’m trying to get my own muse back. Takes place somewhere around...er, let's say XF #65.
A/N: This prompt is a little vague.
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Comments 7
I really loved the ending too --with their touching and it just set a really peaceful mood. Keen job yo!
Anyways, in reality I kind think Ric just got gypped when he returned and Loeb left the book because it was rather obvious that Moore only kept him around to get rid of Shatty later :/ But since Moore can go fuck himself (and sucks anyways), I figured putting reason behind it would make me feel better *dies* I'm a nerd. They left because THEY wanted too, and for no other reason 8D
Awesome, thanks! I wanted it to all tie together, so I'm glad you thought that worked. Thanks for the great feedback, I really appreciate it.
When he first started out as a character, it was earthquakes. But then 'earthquakes' just turned into shaking things. It kind of just stuck to that until the X-Force 1999 Annual, when we see him and Shatterstar actually riding rock through the air. And that's the only time that Rictor explains his connection to the Earth before X-Factor #1. And with that he was literally able to rip a massive amount of rock from the ground (four pieces in total) and control it enough to send him and three other people from Mexico to Germany with it! So I think if we're to use that fact...it sounds elemental to me. That's the only time it was ever physically shown...but then again he never really used his powers on panel after that. PAD explained it that Ric was able to feel every shift in the plates to ever mound of ants crawling through the ( ... )
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