No, I never sleep sometimes. I swear it. O_________________O
I finally updated my site. lololol. Yes, that
Shattering the Earth one. Someone special named
zully inadvertently made me sign in tonight and because of that...I GOT WORK DONE. omgwtfbbq!!11!!!1!eleventy!!!
Anywhosen. I added new fanfiction, banners/manips, links to TAS episodes, fanvid download links, pictures, etc etc. I illegally downloaded X-Factor #41 SINCE I AM NOT BUYING IT ANYMORE. Haha, Peter David, suck my dick. And I stole panels out of that for pics. That's how god damn dedicated I am to this fanbase. Damn straight. :o wot.
I ♥
Also, if anyone could point me in the direction of good HTML based webpage layouts, you should point me there. Because mine fucking annoys the snot out of me and I want it changed before I off myself. Pleeease. :D
Okay I'm tired. Bye.