I thought my last post might have provoked more interest than it did.
GO READ IT! What colour shirt are you wearing?
Red = slutty
Green = tree-hugging
Blue = depressed
White = confused
Pink = PIMPish
Yellow = preppy
Purple = a little TOO happy
Black = goth
Orange = multicolored
Brown = yucky smelling
Gray = emo
Other = candy-flavored
Nothing = Sexy Naked
What bottoms are you wearing?
Shorts = hobo
Skirt = prep
Skort = homo
Jeans = hot piece of ass
Capris = half-queer
Cordoroy = weightlifter
Cargo = clown
Sweats = cutie
Khakis and camouflage = kicker of asses
OTHER [pajamas, etc.] = scary guy in the mall
Now repost this saying "Im a _____ ______!"