Hey everyone, sorry I haven't posted here much lately. I haven't abandoned LJ yet! I've just been having a rough time the past month or so and really busy so yeah.
We've been getting moved into our new apartment and suffering a bad cold for the past week. Everything's going better for me. I'm not so depressed, now, so yay!
Looks like my bird list topped out at 175 new species for the year:
http://twapa.tumblr.com/post/65141812602/tennants-hair-esttillthedeathofme - Not too shabby! It would have been more if I'd stayed on with the road trip to Cali, but... c'est la vie.
In the coming year I hope to get my shit together and work hard on my art/comics career. Self-promotion, etc., I'm submitting a pitch to this anthology:
http://beyondanthology.com/ - I don't think I'll get in, but, eh. Gotta start trying on this stuff!
I'm going to be attending some cons (not furry ones, sorry guys) - possibly exhibiting too if I can get in anywhere.
I'm happy because now that I'm no longer in that horrible depressive slump I am actually ready to start drawing birds and cute stuff again.
Good things are ahead. I believe it!