Jul 22, 2007 10:44
Having your own house is awesome. Even if it is the borrowed home of your friends and professor.
Northern Exposure was one of the best TV shows ever made.
Martha Stewart is the root of all evil. She called Abigal Breslin (from Little Miss Sunshine) "pleasantly plump" and wanted to know if Ms. Breslin ate "too many cheeseburgers on the road."
WTF. Giving 11 year old girls eating disorders. That's the American way.
Also, Bbtw, MARTHA--Ms. Breslin is perfectly healthy, adorable, and happy and Jaden Smith was tot hitting on her during the Oscars.
Also, was anyone NOT surprised at the Emmy nominees? And why wasn't The Wire, David Mamet's Baltimore show about inner city life, not nominated? Mamet plus the writer from Hill Street Blues? What is wrong with you Emmy people who gave Ellen Burstyn an Emmy for an 11 second role last year?
That was a run-on sentence.
Grr. Television is worse than Hollyweird.