Jul 02, 2007 23:32
I'm finally watching TV again. Mostly because my youngest brother, who is telling me that he hates me, kicked me out of his room, which I have been occupying and I'm on the couch. I can't sleep on the couch. It smells and it hurts my back.
And no way am I sleeping on the floor. I don't even know the last time it was vaccuumed. It's like saying yes allergies, i miss you and come back. Lame. I tried to explain to Nathan it was only for 2 more weeks, but he doesn't understand that 20 minus 2 is 18 which is closer to two weeks. He insists that its a week.
Boys are dumb.
I can't sleep on this couch. How am I gonna function at work with no sleep? I'm already irritated with the customers and I want to kill them. "Can I use a fitting room" "How much does this shirt cost?" "Is this door open?"
Like, hello. Do some of the work yourself, bitches. I've got a 1500 sq. foot store and 750 feet of it belong to me and me alone. That's a lot of space to monitor. And these dumb ass bitches totally can't look at the price tag and see that it costs 44.50. Yeah, we got expensive clothes. Also, Rachael Ray is tot wearing LB right now. I recognize our last season pants when I see them.
So, my new favorite book right now is "How to read a book" by Mortimer J. Adler and Charles Van Doren. It's really smart and really good.
My leg seized up last night. I haven't been getting enough potassium. This used to happen to me all the time after kickboxing. I'm on my feet all the time at work, so I guess that's enough for my leg, now.
Spice Girls back on tour! And already fighting. Huzzah!
Avenue Q in less than 2 weeks! Huzzah!
So my first day of class is August 26th and I'm not set to leave Sac until August 20th. Fuuuuck. I'm gonna have to leave sooner. Huzzah!
Who wants to drive across country with me?
IRD reunion in Chicago this september. So excited! I'm gonna wear my red pants!
And crash the Batman film set, and sing Santa Fe with CB. Heehehe.
This couch hurts my back.
can't sleep. need sleep. fffuuuuuck.
i hate this shit. it's not fair. i mean, i can see his point--he lost his bedroom as a sleeping place. I didn't have him move his stuff or anything; he and his friends can play in there any time they want, unless I'm naked.
What worries me is that he will walk in when I'm in teh shower and join me and act like its nothing. Like wtf?
Apparently he still showers with his mom.
Incest anyone?
She tot pisses me off. She's so selfish. Like I talk to her and try to engage her in conversation and all she does is bitch about how hard she has it. And if I compliment her, she won't even say thanks. Did her brain get that damaged? Some people are so selfish. Like I can be, though more likely I'm passive-aggressive.
And he had to have minor surgery today--in and out of the operating room in 15 minutes. And as they were leaving in the morning she was screaming and crying. Like, she was sobbing and he wasn't, And you could tell it was freaking him out. It was adding to his fears.
Aren't parents supposed to help you through yours and not scream and cry?
And I went, :Dude, its routine surgery. He will be okay" and she went "they are inexperienced doctors at Balboa! They don't know what they are doing..."
Except, you know, they are a NAVAL hospital with an excellent pediatrics center. It gets federally funding.
They rescuitated me from death when I was born. I think he is going to be okay. Also, routine surgery?
She tot acted like routine surgery meant nothing.
I never saw a parent so selfish she couldn't put aside her fears to comfort her child.
I really, really hate her. I shouldn't hate. Hatred hurts the hater more than the hated.
But she acts as if everything I say is an accusation.
I come home today and they are eating lunch and I say "Did you get the mail?"
And she yells, "We just got home!"
And it's like....okay. Well you know most people, when they drive by the mailboxes, will stop. But, hey, that's cool. I can get it.
When I thanked for the red pants, she said, "Why? You don't like them?"
No, I'm thanking you because I'm planning on giving them away.
I don't believe an anuerysm can cause this much damage.
Why does she resent this family so much?
When she flew to Hawaii, she spent over 2000 dollars in less than 5 days on her sister who never calls. And she never called us.
She refuses to dress herself.
And threw a fit when Nathan said he was sleeping in his room tonight.
Incest, anyone?
17 more days and I'm gone.
I can't take much more!
I mean, I'll grant that I'm selish, but this selfish? this rude? this cruel?
I don't believe it.
If I don't leave soon, I'm going to believe what they say. Already, I can sense that I'm no where near as assertive as I was last year.
All the work, gone.
And now, I've got to do it all over again.
I am pretty.
I am nice, kind, charitable. I am not perfect, but I strive to be as generous and as honest as I can be.
I'm not a bad person. I have bad impluses, but I don't have to live by them and I work hard not to.
I try to align my theory with my practice.
I am not cold hearted or incompassionate.
Gotta leave soon, school soon. School soon. buffalo soon.
Oh snow, how I've missed you!