While we've been promoting
Paint Portraits some of my faith in human nature has slowly been restored.
In my book, the world has always been divided into unequal slices; a plethora of self-absorbed me-first snarkolytes with stinky rat shit where their sclerotic souls once crouched - and a smaller group of genuinely good people.
Just lately, we've had a lot of good will from folks keen to help us out. We had a lovely note today from a journalist on the local paper in Ruth's home county, who said she'd be happy to publicise Ruth's pictures because she remembered her from school. We've had email from virtual friends with good wishes and sound advice. We've had first commission enquiries coming in from around the world. Tentative and polite in every case.
I'm pleased to have my cynicism disproved. Thanks to everyone who's been nice to us. Please feel free to continue.