Week: Week Ending Sunday, March 20th
Anatomy of MelancholyAuthor Warnings/Spoilers/Contains Note: deals with trauma and grief. Companion piece to
Dead Letters.
Rating: PG-13
Character/Pairings: Owen, Ianto, Jack
Summary: Post-Cyberwoman. Owen may not have been the best person to be looking after Ianto.
“The Anatomy of Melancholy” treads familiar ground in a way that’s uniquely its own. In the sea of post-Cyberwoman fanfic, it stands out both for its unforgivingly grim tone and its insight into the character of Owen, working his backstory into the fabric of Cyberwoman in a flawlessly written scene. Owen's given understandable motivation and yet always stops just shy of being sympathetic. Couple this with the spot-on characterization and fantastic dialogue,
rexluscus delivers a fascinating and memorable read.
Recced By:
_lullabelle_ Please leave a comment for the author if you enjoyed their fic.
Also noteworthy this week:
Outnumbered by
alt_universe_me | Jack/John/Ianto | NC-17
Gwen and the Quest for Plasters by
humantales | gen | PG
Something by
remuslives23 | Jack/Ianto | R