Fics to re-read March 01, 2014,

Mar 01, 2014 14:19

Apparel by MonsterTesk--Some sterek but is mainly Chris/Stiles
Summary:There is no meaning to what we wear; no ceremony over dress or what it says. We put on clothes to tell others what we are, to declare, without words, something intrinsic or simply just indelible. They're like skins that we stretch over our bones, a forgotten language that's grown into diglossia. We are what we wear or we wear what we are. It's one of those two.

Play It Again by metisket-- travel to alt universe
Summary:In which Stiles goes along with one of Derek’s plans and ends up in an alternate universe as a result. He should’ve known better. He did know better, actually, and that means he has no one to blame but himself.

Posing Problems by ravingrevolution--Sterek au
Summary:He needed an actual hobby outside of work where he would interact with actual people who did not live with him or talk to him through the internet or his phone.

Ten Years Gone by Safaia --Sterek au Hunter!Derek and Demon!Stiles
Summary:When Derek Hale was sixteen years old he lost everything he loved in the fire. Desperate to his family he tried make a deal with a crossroads demon named Stiles. Stiles turned him down and Derek reluctantly tried to move on with his life. Six years later Derek is a hunter and when he receives word that Stiles might have known more about the fire than he let on that night Derek decides to hunt him down. What he finds when he finally captures Stiles is not what he expects and that the two of them might have a common enemy.

au, sterek, long fic, derek hale, stiles stilinski, demon!stiles

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