Captain's Blog - VS3:06

Mar 31, 2010 00:59


Torchwood 3

Volume 74, Week 48

ALIEN ACTIVITY: A few problems with Janet and the other weevils when a power outage in the Hub released the locks on the cells. Nothing a little TLC and a few blunt objects couldn't handle.

ALIEN TECHNOLOGY: None used or acquired.

RIFT ACTIVITY: The Rift split a Flat Holm patient, Sioned Artisinat, into three separate entities calling themselves Sian, Siana and Sioned. Siana and Sioned were mostly harmless, but Sian had a nasty ability to emit EMPs. She could also bounce around between timelines, presumably by riding the Rift. Sioned destroyed them all by diving into a negative spike near Steep Holm.

SECURITY: JJ to handle the media, Gwen the police. It won't help our relationship with the locals, but it makes sense to blame the blackouts on last summer's explosions. UNIT deploying to St. Jude's helps sell the hostage situation we're using to cover Sian/Siana's activity there. None of St. Jude's staff needs to be given retcon. Only one of them, Dr. Megan Muli, saw anything extraordinary. See Staff.

OTHER SECURITY ISSUES: Flat Holm is not as secure as we thought, but how do you protect against patients who trifurcate? If Ianto hadn't insisted on confirming with his own eyes, I'm not sure we'd have realized the full scale of the problem before it was too late.

STAFF: News from Major Hopps. UNIT has reassigned him to their base at St Athan. Shouldn't affect the reciprocal agreement, but it was novel to have someone at UNIT who took us seriously. Other than Martha. Speaking of doctors, I'm thinking of extending an offer to Megan Muli. It's not the first time we've run into her, and I like what we've seen. Ianto has been assigned the background check.

OTHER STAFF ISSUES: Gwen disagreed with my decision to terminate Sioned. She countermanded my order to Ianto. Sioned attacked him when he hesitated. We were damned lucky her motivations were noble. I hired Gwen for her humanity, but Torchwood shouldn't allow subjects to fix the problem while we argue. It's time for a talk with my senior agents.

Ianto's not been the same since Sioned. The only thing seriously injured was his pride, but I don't think that's the problem. He's too quiet. It reminds me of how he was…before. We really need to go on that date.

captain's blog, vs3:06

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