All assignments have been sent out! Please confirm that you've received it by September 20, 2012. It doesn't have to be anything fancy - just reply and email us stating you've received your assignment and that you're good to go.
If you have not received your assignment, please email me immediately at
Thank you guys for being so patient! We're super excited about the match ups, and we can't wait to see what everyone comes up with!
Just a few notes about the assignments. We've included these in the email, but I'm going to add them here as well, just in case.
- The assignments were determined based on what you were willing to gift as well as what you've indicated on your kinks/squicks/cliches lists. I paid particular attention to the pairings sections, so no one should've received an assignment for a pairing they have specifically said no to. Unless you put down "Any" with no exclusions...then I definitely took advantage of that :P.
- If you find that your assignment totally goes against what you specified and you're unable to write it, please email us ASAP. While I tried my best to match everyone up accordingly, it's possible I may have missed a cue here or there. I was working off four sets of these, so my eyes may have gotten a little crossed towards the end :P.
- If you find that you're stuck or your giftee didn't provide you with enough information or prompts, don't panic - please don't hesitate to email their contact person or if there's none listed, email us at and we'll be happy to reach them on your behalf.
As usual, if you have any questions or comments, our mailbox is always open. Enjoy the rest of your weekend, and happy writing, you guys!