Just had a bizarre yet wondeful metatextual epiphany...

Apr 16, 2011 00:58

Given that this exchange takes place in Reset.....

MARTHA: Oh, I'm a camera!

JACK: As Chris Isherwood once said to me when we were cruising the Kurfurstendamm.

And that Jack is Jack.....

And that Matt Smith plays Christopher Isherwood in Christopher and his kind.....

Well this totes gives ground to Jack/Eleven being enshrined in canon somewhere. Am I right or am I right?

considering orgy, all kinda situations, every day is objectify jb day, partay, shoop da woop, i get to bed people, john barrowman naked, tiger blood, a bit of torching wood, jb's manny, keep that circle jerkin', omfg, auntie gleeclub loves you all, my poor friend, cast, the button on the top, lulz, lol, that's a big twinkie, hugtiem nao, double your pleasure, barrowface, rhys is gleeclub's boyfriend, john barrowman, no smoking no pizza

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