Get something so awesome that you just want to show it off? Proud of what you've written? Want to make a last-minute plea for someone to fill your prompt? Just want to post a lot of gifs because gifs are awesome? Have you baked a cake full of rainbows and sunshine, and now we're all going to eat it and be happy? This is where it happens, kids!
Me, I've got hugs for everyone. Who wants a hug?
_lullabelle_ is available to pinch-hit or fill unfilled prompts. Since I still have one more day off, I'll volunteer myself as well. If you didn't get what you wanted, and are willing to take a chance on me, I'll do my best.
Also, it looks like we've raised $95 for Medicines sans Frontieres, plus another $30 for Unicef, with two donations still outstanding. Not bad for the first time around, no?