GleeClub Morning After for TW:MD 'End of the Road'

Aug 28, 2011 02:05

Episode #8: End of the Road

Official Reaction Post Commenting Policy:
1. Squee, discussion, and criticism are all welcome in tw_gleeclub reaction posts. Please still keep the comm rules in mind when commenting, however:
- "JB's acting in that scene was reaching near-'my poor friend' levels!", "So any idea when Esther actually becomes interesting?", "Really, a joke about chips vs. crisps, RTD?", "Did anyone else feel like this episode moved r-e-a-l-l-y s-l-o-w?" = A-OK
- "Counting down until this piece of shit gets cancelled!" = not appropriate for Gleeclub. Take it elsewhere.

2. Corollary: disagreements are allowed, wank is not. Hopefully we've all been in fandom long enough to know the difference. Generally, if it involves sarcasm, name-calling, grudges, passive-aggressive petnames/smileys, or personal insults, you've crossed into wank territory. Wanky threads will be frozen by the mods, at which point you are free to take the disagreement elsewhere, if you'd like to continue it. If you see wank or trollbaiting threads, please do not jump in and contribute. Instead, PM the mods: heddychaa, thepyromanical1, and _lullabelle_ and we will deal with it. Getting accidentally involved in wank (you just tripped and fell right into it, honest!), will not necessarily get you in trouble. Doing it repeatedly, especially as an instigator, will get you banned.

3. Don't harsh other people's squee. If you really must complain about Rex Matheson's characterization (NOT THAT YOU WOULD, RIGHT!?), don't do it directly in response to a thread of gifs celebrating his status as a BAMF. Reply to the post and start your own thread, instead.

4. ALL REACTION POSTS WILL CONTAIN SPOILERS FOR THE EPISODE BEING DISCUSSED IN THE COMMENTS. Please do not use reaction posts to post spoilers before they air. (This is especially important for people who have already seen the ep joining the BBC reaction post! Don't talk about things that happened in the last five minutes of the ep when BBC viewers are still on the opening credits.) Similarly, if you've found a leaked spoiler about episode 4.08, don't post it in an episode 4.04 reaction post. Make a separate (cut) post to discuss upcoming/unaired spoilers. The spoiler policy, for your reference, is here, and will remain in effect for all episodes even after the series has finished airing. When in doubt, use a cut.

5. For more info on the general structure and purpose of the various reaction posts, pop over here.

your mods ♥

Oh my god you guys!!! I can't believe we're almost to the end! Line up for a bit of squeeing, a fair amount of speculation and a lot of What did I just watch?!

• Angelo's done well for himself, how did he make his money?

• Love Rex making sure Esther is left alone.

• Glad someone finally told Rex to stick a sock in it where his homophobic jokes are concerned.

• I loved Jack's amazement and perhaps a little vulnerability that Angelo has managed to live so long/attain mortality.

• Jack's disappointment at being confronted with the truth of Angelo's condition is a bit heart breaking. I just wanted to hug him.

• Love that Jack checks to make sure it really is Angelo.

• Love the exchange between Olivia and Rex over TW technology and then Rex blaming Gwen on their lack of TW-tech.

• Love Gwen going mental over this bitch putting Anwen in danger. I love love love that she got so frustrated at this chick's explanation she got tongue tied.

• Love the pictures of Jack-Through-The-Ages. Jack looks almost like Ianto in the Black and White photo next to the 70s-stache!Jack...

• Not sure I'm buying the reasons/excuses as to how Angelo lived a long life. I'm sure it's possible, but it just doesn't sound very… healthy… I suppose…

• The discussion of the Jelly-Fish sounds more like the Doctor than Jack.

• I want to know how she knows about Jack's torture/murder in 27. It doesn't sound like the kind of story you hear sitting at your Grand-dad's knee on a Sunday after family dinner…

• I love that Jack finally says out-loud that it's not his DNA that is immortal. Fer chrissakes, Stephen might still be alive, Alice would live forever… his other children… LOGIC!

• Evil CIA is Evil.

• Miracle Secrecy Act?

• Love Gwen and Jack.

• Love Rex's quick thinking and that the Super Sekrit CIA Baddies fell for it.

• Q/EUGENE!!!!! Love John DeLancie

• Love Gwen's excitement that Rex pickpocketed the contacts.

• "You planned this." DUH.

• Seriously, every time I saw JDL on screen, I couldn't help but giggle. Q gets cranky.

• Love Rex trying to protect Gwen.

• Love that he is docking Esther's pay, such a douchebag boss! But I kinda like him.

• Best quote of the entire. Fucking. SERIES RIGHT THERE…"And what's wrong with you Red Baron? You got Snoopy up your ass?" and then Gwen and Rex both giggle!!!

• I love the chemistry between Jack and Shapiro. Definitely a clash of egos right there. Owen and Ianto would have had a field day.

• Freidkin kinda makes me want to punch them. Why didn't anyone pat him down for weapons when they cuffed him?

• I loved Jack's monologue. It was… It was right. For me as a fan of Jack, it worked. I love Ianto's mention, and it makes me wonder if there were many men between Angelo and Ianto.

• I couldn't help but think that this was a little bit harsh on Angelo's behalf. Waiting all this time for Jack only to die with one last kiss. Like Jack told him, Jack will stay young(ish) for eternity, while Angelo will grow old and die. It actually made me really think about Jack and his past lovers.

• Jack is being confronted with being there to watch his lover - no matter how ex - die from old age. It makes me wonder if that was the first time he's ever been there for that.

• Love Jack screaming at the machines and then just pulling the plug.

• And right here, this… duality of Jack is what I love so much. One minute, he's breaking my heart, and then the next, on slips that mask and he's quite cold.

• Love the attempt at CPR, and Jack calling for help and no one listening to him. WHY doesn't anyone listen to Jack?

• Love that Rex admits that Jack's instincts are good. Hehehe.

• I love Jilly!

• Oswald's dancing!!!! I know he's a vile character, but, seriously… my brother dances like that.

• The way he looks at Jilly, makes my stomach churn.

• Love the exchange between Jilly and Shawnee.

• Esther and her sister just broke my heart. Surely, she is considered not in her right mind to sign her children up to this volunteering for cat 1.

• I love how it gave Esther the boost she needed.

• RHYS! MARY! I love Rhys and Momma-Cooper. I could have done without Gwen bitching about Jack though.

• Really liking the Esther+Jack dynamic.

• Dear Esther, when Jack says shush, please stay schtum.

• LMFAO at Gwen being deported and then throwing a tantrum on the way out.

• Lovin' Jack still touting the Morphic Field theory and looking at Rex like "I told ya so!"

• Oswald is creepy, though… I think… perhaps… maybe I can see where he was coming from with the prostitute? He might have been genuine in just looking for some kind of human connection?

• Category 0? Fuck.

• I love that Jilly has taken a very pragmatic view to this whole thing and I love that she was fighting back.

• Lovin' Jack being all clever with the alien tech!

• Seriously Rex, when will you start believing Jack?

• So… Angelo dug up the ruins of the Hub?

• I love that even through it all, Jack is looking past the miracle, and to the serious future, trying to protect the world from destroying itself.

• Creepy cute guy in the suit appears… Poor Shawnee.

• So, does Jilly signing up with the family make her evil now?


• Woohoo! Rex helping Jack. Love that the story is that one guy went up again 3 CIA agents and won.


• Poor Esther got totally busted. I guess that means, she's a turn-coat now… so… obviously it means she won't be working for the cia anymore? She'll be around for series 5?

• Poor Gwen and Esther and Jack. :(

I really enjoyed the episode, we finally have Alien Tech that isn't the I-5s. We finally get to see John DeLancie and we finally see the team sort of coming together. Definitely looking forward to next week!

miracle whip it good, every day is objectify jb day, eve myles freckles, shoop da woop, discussion, pc andy, miracle whip, omfg, series 4, sex matheson, pom poms, gwenwood, oswald jones, barrowface, jilly kitzinger, all kinda situations, acting!!!!!, miracle day, a bit of torching wood, tiger blood, squee, shaking and crying, shake ur pom poms, i love you jane espenson, hand wringing, what the hell just happened, episode reactions, jack/jack otp, esther, spoilers, my homeboy russell t davies, rhys is gleeclub's boyfriend, john barrowman, with a mighty roar

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