GleeClub Morning After for TW:MD 'Immortal Sins'

Aug 21, 2011 02:22

Episode #7: Immortal Sins

Official Reaction Post Commenting Policy:
1. Squee, discussion, and criticism are all welcome in tw_gleeclub reaction posts. Please still keep the comm rules in mind when commenting, however:
- "JB's acting in that scene was reaching near-'my poor friend' levels!", "So any idea when Esther actually becomes interesting?", "Really, a joke about chips vs. crisps, RTD?", "Did anyone else feel like this episode moved r-e-a-l-l-y s-l-o-w?" = A-OK
- "Counting down until this piece of shit gets cancelled!" = not appropriate for Gleeclub. Take it elsewhere.

2. Corollary: disagreements are allowed, wank is not. Hopefully we've all been in fandom long enough to know the difference. Generally, if it involves sarcasm, name-calling, grudges, passive-aggressive petnames/smileys, or personal insults, you've crossed into wank territory. Wanky threads will be frozen by the mods, at which point you are free to take the disagreement elsewhere, if you'd like to continue it. If you see wank or trollbaiting threads, please do not jump in and contribute. Instead, PM the mods: heddychaa, thepyromanical1, and _lullabelle_ and we will deal with it. Getting accidentally involved in wank (you just tripped and fell right into it, honest!), will not necessarily get you in trouble. Doing it repeatedly, especially as an instigator, will get you banned.

3. Don't harsh other people's squee. If you really must complain about Rex Matheson's characterization (NOT THAT YOU WOULD, RIGHT!?), don't do it directly in response to a thread of gifs celebrating his status as a BAMF. Reply to the post and start your own thread, instead.

4. ALL REACTION POSTS WILL CONTAIN SPOILERS FOR THE EPISODE BEING DISCUSSED IN THE COMMENTS. Please do not use reaction posts to post spoilers before they air. (This is especially important for people who have already seen the ep joining the BBC reaction post! Don't talk about things that happened in the last five minutes of the ep when BBC viewers are still on the opening credits.) Similarly, if you've found a leaked spoiler about episode 4.08, don't post it in an episode 4.04 reaction post. Make a separate (cut) post to discuss upcoming/unaired spoilers. The spoiler policy, for your reference, is here, and will remain in effect for all episodes even after the series has finished airing. When in doubt, use a cut.

5. For more info on the general structure and purpose of the various reaction posts, pop over here.

your mods ♥

Another night with dot-points, sorry about that. My full reaction post will be going up on my journal tomorrow night when I'm home.

• Firstly, as much as I love The Coat, someone needs to sit down the costume department and explain to them that it is canon for Jack to wear something OTHER than, blue trousers, blue shirt, braces and The Coat. We already have canonical evidence that Jack has dressed to suit the period, we also have canonical evidence that Jack owned clothes that were not the colour blue. The style of coat/material/colour/insignia would have stuck out like dogs balls in New York in 1927.

• 1927 - close on the heels of Jack's time in India. I wonder if he was still reeling from closing down Torchwood India?

• Not even a minute in, and I already don't trust Angelo. He's a pick-pocket and obviously knows a thing about forgeries.

• Do we know when the Doctor was in New York with Martha?

• Also - this is fucking awesome, I'm sure I read a fic where Jack was in New York around this time… cross-over with the film De-Lovely.

• It seems to me that Jack has lost his self censor button. Three seasons where getting information from Jack was like drawing blood from a stone, and now he's like a chatty Kathy doll that won't shut up.

• Side note: I love Eve's Freckles! We should have an Eve's Freckles Appreciation Society…

• Okay, we've seen Rhys, Mary and Anwen… where is Geraint?

• Esther watching Vera on youtube is kinda disturbing.

• I like the idea of people setting up memorials for Vera, but what about the other victims?

• I love the exchange between Esther and Rex and Rex admitting that he didn't know Vera that well.

• Love how no one is questioning Gwen's sudden erratic behaviour. And by no one, I mean Jack. Been rewatching series one and two and Gwen, while very head strong and a bit bossy, I've never found her to be quite THAT bossy. Even when the situation calls for urgency.

• I love that Jack starts speaking slowly and louder in an attempt to get the old woman to understand him.

• Again, we see Chatty!Jack.

• Barrowman butt!

• I like that we get to catch a glimpse of a softer side to Jack. And yeah, okay, it's sex with Angelo, whatevs, but… For me, this is definitely Pre-Ianto, and it fits with my head-canon of Jack being someone completely softer and perhaps a little insecure when it comes to intimacy.

• Like the fact that Jack is not immune to foot-in-mouth disease when it comes to discussing First Times.

• "A magical island called, Torchwood." - again, Jack is just way too chatty for his own good here. Seriously though, why is he even in New York?

• Love Jack coming to, in the car. And I adore Gwen's "you'll never get out of those knots." all I could think was, if she was the expert at knots, WHY did she let Rhys tie Rex up in episode one?

• I love Gwen and Jack here. Jack being incredulous that Gwen would tie him up/turn on him. Gwen yelling at Jack for bossing her around, Jack pleading with the mystery people on the other end of the lenses to just take him and release the others.

• I love Jack talking about weddings. Once again, I love that this plays into my head-canon where, for all Jack's talk, he was definitely into monogamy.


• Love Jack's cover as a boot-legger.

• Love Jack's logic in trying to figure out who was behind his kidnapping, and I LOVE the jibe at Gwen and Wales and Welsh and her "Button it!" It gives us a great glimpse at what she's going to be like as a mum in the future… poor Anwen.

• Love Jack trying to get Gwen to untie him and I love how close Gwen came to believing him even more.

• Lovin' Gangster!Jack… hmmm are there any fics out there where Jack and the Torchwood team are gangsters?

• Love how the gangster just assumes that Jack is going to keep his word.

• I love the argument between Jack and Angelo. It makes me wonder if he ever had an argument like this with Ianto, though I doubt it.

• Enjoy the Dr Who reference, and it's nice to see the Doctor being mentioned, and I wonder what it is he would say about all of this.

• Love the aliens, but I'm REALLY confused as to how this is possible. How does Torchwood know the outcome of what will happen? Has Jack told them? How is this not cause for an alt. dimension like Pete's World?

• Why is Angelo just taking all this in his stride?

• The whole exchange between Jack and Angelo where he's talking about the parasite tasting like oysters, reminds me of Jack and Ianto… A LOT.

• I pretty much loved ALL the Jack and Gwen scenes tonight, but especially this scene. Gwen has finally come to the realisation that Torchwood is something she will have to give up if she wants to keep Anwen safe and whole - being a mother is more important than saving the world. And I adore how Jack is not ready and willing to go down without a fight and they both respect each other for that.

• Hooray! Jack in other clothes!

• My distrust of Angelo just skyrocketed when he shanked Jack… not only shanked Jack, but stabbed him again.

• Right here is where my heart just about fell out of my arse. Not only does Angelo let the butcher do it, but he stands there while everyone and their damn monkey kills Jack over and over. Just hoe many times did Jack die? How much pain does Jack have to suffer? Literally, there were tears streaming down my face. And then to be sold to a bunch of strangers for $10,000?

• Creepy triad is creepy, though I think I see where the Triangle of Doom comes from now.

• Love that Jack is adamant that he is not doing final speeches.

• "Aren't you gonna take the wrist strap?" - that one line just about broke me. He sounds so dejected, so desolate… I hate Angelo for putting him in that position.


• I love that Jack is leaving Angelo behind. Angelo betrayed Jack and seriously, not even at his worst, did Ianto do something like that. Not even during End of Days, did the entire team do something like that.

• Hooray Esther and Rex! Though, all that time driving, how did Gwen and Jack not notice they were being followed? Are Rex and Esther finally getting the hang of subtle?


• Love Andy and Mrs Cooper's exchange, so fucking adorable!

• And then Andy shoots the bad guy and I just wanted to HUG HIM LIKE WHOA!

• Gwen's hugging everyone and I can't stop giggling at how she all but tackles Rex and kisses his cheek. So adorable!

• And then DUN DUN DUNNNN! The shoe drops and Angelo is the evil! I knew it!

I enjoyed this episode a lot, but there were aspects of it that to me, felt like someone trying to hammer a square peg in a round hole. Jack just seemed WAY too trusting in the flashbacks, and way too chatty. Considering we know that he was pretty much blackmailed into working for Torchwood, and that he liked to keep his cards close to his chest, it just seemed so… out of character for him to be as talkative about what he knows.

Also, has anyone noticed how Jane Espenson, so far, has gotten all the scripts with the sex in it? Just me then? Okay…

So, what does the rest of Gleeclub think of Angelo? Are we desperate to see Jilly and Oswald back in the picture, or has the last two weeks been a nice respite from the heaviness of that portion of the storyline?

all kinda situations, miracle whip it good, every day is objectify jb day, eve myles freckles, shoop da woop, discussion, miracle day, pc andy, john barrowman naked, eve myles, a bit of torching wood, shaking and crying, miracle whip, shake ur pom poms, i love you jane espenson, omfg, what the hell just happened, series 4, hand wringing, sex matheson, pom poms, episode reactions, gwenwood, my poor friend, jack/jack otp, esther, hugtiem nao, barrowface, rhys is gleeclub's boyfriend, with a mighty roar

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