Dec 08, 2009 23:47
so I've seen quite a few Torchwood!school AUs around, but all of them take place in high school and, though it is in it's own way good characterization, because of that all the characters are acting like teenagers. and then super cool captain of whatever Jack comes along and tries to seduce the pants off loner!Ianto.
so I want a school AU with them actually college age (if you think you can do a high school fic without having them act like kids, go ahead). Jack is older than Ianto, either a senior to Ianto's freshman, or a grad student to Ianto's undergrad, or even a teacher. add whatever other drama you like, but I want to see how they come together. Except there's one problem. Jack's with Gwen, either because she's cheating on Rhys or is trying to make Rhys or whomever jealous, and she's attached to him, but Jack is only in it for the sex. Ianto, who is preferably comfortable with his own sexuality, falls for Jack and doesn't realize that Jack might like him back. cue angst ("he has her, why/how could he want someone like me? but I want him anyways..." like that). something(s) happens and Jack gets hit by a clue-by-four and he still choses Ianto over her. happy endings all around
OR GO WITH DOOR NUMBER TWO-- Jack and Ianto are undercover in a college for whatever reason with Jack as a teacher and Ianto having to pretend to be a student (because he is the youngest torchwood member. use alien tech if you want to make him look younger.) Jack either being all mock-serious about how it was inappropriate for them to do anything as "student" and "teacher" because they might be found out. and they have to deal with hiding both their relationship (or make it pre-Captain Jack Harkness and have them just starting to figure out their relationship) and the fact that they don't really belong in the school. bonus points if they have sex in the school. (yes, I know, I'm going to hell). eventually they finish their mission even though there is drama and scandal, and there are happy endings for all.
TL;DR- Jack/Ianto school AU, preferably college age or up (or non-AU with them undercover as student and teacher trying to keep both their relationship and torchwood secret).
sex. (what?)
plot too. no, really.
happy ending.
for the AU: Jack has to be older than Ianto.
Ianto falls for Jack first and then angsts about it because Jack is with Gwen on some superficial level
Jack choses Ianto anyways
Super bonus points if you can find some way to 1) have the students drag Ianto to a dance club somehow (Jack follows/is there too)
and/or 2) fit Donna in also. she must be awesome though, because that's canon no matter how you look at it.
please? if someone does this for me I will have their babies love them forever :D
show: torchwood,