(no subject)

Dec 03, 2009 15:04

Hi! Would anyone be able to write me THIS fic ?

sarah wakes up and finds that she looks like she did when she was 20/30(you pick),the kids(including maria) are amazed and then alan jackson falls in love with her(clyde also fancies her a bit (hehhe)),

Sarah Jane tries to hide away from everyone but then rani and maria drag her out shopping(e.ct blah blah), chrissie jackson (or whatever her surname is) get jealous and then there is a total argument between evryone (except sarah cos she doesnt want to get involved in the crap).

For some reason (you make this up) sarah gets turned back to her normal self but then evryone realises that she still looks pretty much as good. ECT

rating :not sure but nothing that isnt suitable for a 14 year old(thats how old i am)
Notes:Sorry for the bad layout of this post!!
Thank you!!

show: sarah jane adventures, xlittlesjsx

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