Fic: The Magician and the Fool

Nov 04, 2011 23:56

Title: The Magician and the Fool
Recipient: nancybrown
Author: rattyjol
Rating: PG
Characters/Pairings: Martha Jones, Tarot Girl, various minor OCs; background Martha/Mickey
Spoilers and Warnings: vague spoilers up to End of Time & Torchwood s2; no warnings
Summary: Three times Martha had her fortune told, and didn't learn anything at all.
Beta: purpleyedcat, who has no LJ
Author Notes: I'm sorry for the lateness, I had a crazy week and apparently I also forgot to join the comm and had trouble finding it again. But it's here now!
Link to Story: Cairo, New York, London.

character:martha, character:tarotgirl

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