Fic: Daily gRind 2/3 (Lois, Dee, Gwen, Andy PG-13)

Nov 03, 2010 20:46

Title: Daily gRind
Recipient: blue_fjords
Author: amand_r
Rating: PG_13
Characters/Pairings: Lois, Gwen, Dee, Gretchen, Andy, various dudes and dudettes
Summary: Lois Habiba loves her job. Sometimes she has to say that out loud.
Beta: paragraphs, who more than earned her keep putting up with my typos and whatnot, and heddychaa, who did a little read through some of it.
Author Notes: Prequel for Torchwood 4.0, which Blue is betaing. I love you, Blue! You don't need to have read that to read this. Also, this is total effing crack, sort of. I stole so much from so many places. Notes at the very end.
Link to Story: Part One Part Two

character:lois, character:johnson, character:gwen

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